Special thanks to Jason (aka 13 Stoploss) for his excellent weird-assed black and white Holga photos. —And to clarinet God Sidney Bechet.
The images:

Some random board meeting photos, and then one of Mr. Goo, hurtling toward Saddleback College like a meteor (where he will become a particularly ugly and toxic meteorite).
Then a transition from Tom’s antebellum prayerfulness to Reverend Warren’s rise and the whole gay marriage thing—including cool photos (by Jason) of fire ‘n’ brimstone colliding with wide-eyed studentry at IVC.
Raghu falls asleep during a meeting; then we encounter images of Tom’s reelection campaign, which, predictably, relied on deceptions and a fine deployment of “suppressed evidence” sophistry. God thinks that’s cool, evidently.
Naturally, reflection on Mr. Fuentes reminds me of Richard Hofstadter’s Anti-Intellectualism in American Life. Then it’s off to Bliss and Inmon’s ill-fated trustee campaign. We see those two at a political function in San Juan Capistrano where Richard Nixon used to eat Mexican and tell racist jokes.
Then some more-or-less random images, including Lisa A.D. presiding over a meeting of the Intergalactic Society at Waters.
Then, naturally, some pics of the Saddleback College Accreditation task force (or whatever) reporting to, well, essentially no one. I detected an echo in the room.
Then, for no particular reason, some images of the IVC Reading Program’s “coming out” party. Well, no, not coming out, but they did move into cool new digs with the help of lots of friends, including the Academic Senate crowd.
Next, some images of new buildings at IVC, including the PAC and the “Beefsteak” building—but no Humanities Building, and we’re still wondering why. (A merely rhetorical wondering.)
Here at DtB, we support veterans, and so I’ve provided a few pics of IVC’s fine Veterans Day event, including a nice shot of the always-stylish Dianne taking a snap at less-than-stylish bigwigs.
More quantum randomness followed by shots of one of many fine live music events, this one at IVC.
The great Sidney Bechet finishes his first set just as images of Beatrice’s elegant party for new faculty grace the screen.
Sidney comes in with set #2 amid photos of Tom Fuentes. Next, it's cookies and Lisa and David’s celebrated cookie soirée, which proved once again that the college hoi polloi are so starved for genuine gemütlichkeit that even the meager prospect of free cookies in A200’s Soviet-era “faculty lounge” attracts thousands. Well, dozens, anyway.
Next: the marvelous and era-defining “shoe throwing” incident, transposed to the SOCCCD. This is followed by the inevitable shots of Alcatraz Island.
Next: IVC Commencement, Peter’s party, then wintry scenes.

Yesterday, there was Pastor Wiley Drake of First Baptist Church in Buena Park demonizing Warren's participation in the Jan. 20 inauguration of our "evil illegal alien" president-elect, saying God will punish Drake's fellow Southern Baptist preacher Warren.
[W]e have this from Internet evangelist Pastor Bill Keller:
"For Pastor Rick Warren to bless and give the invocation at the upcoming inauguration for a man who will help ensure millions of babies around the world are slaughtered—and force U.S. taxpayers to fund this legalized infanticide—is no different than if Adolf Hitler had asked Warren to give the blessing and invocation when he became Chancellor of Germany."
Maddow believes the controversy would have subsided before such silliness could take root had Saddleback Church pastor Warren simply kept his own mouth shut….
"It's open season on conservatives and people of faith," argues an Augusta (GA) Chronicle editorial lumping the invocation controversy in with a fire that was set to Sarah Palin's church in Wasilla, Alaska.
In still more weirdness, a columnist in the Black Chronicle of Oklahoma City, OK, contends Obama is trying to make Warren his Booker T. Washington….
Finally, music for a dreary day:
Cowboy Junkies' "Sweet Jane"
Heavenly wine and roses
Seem to whisper to me
When you smile
Best of the holidays, Roy. Thank you for the retrospective on 2008 Part I.
See you in the new year.
Very cool music, dude.
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