Veteran journalist Marc Cooper offers his assessment at his blog:
...These seem like perfect times to renew tax cuts for billionaires and big corporations—provided there are any left in solvency by the end of the month. These seem a great time to cut back the safety net and other federal entitlements and let the masses figure their own way out of the coming crash. Who needs Big Government when you have the right economic and political leadership at the helm, right? I say we do away with unemployment insurance altogether while we're at it. Give the American People the chance to show their real grit and gumption. Maybe they can each sell off one of their nine houses. Or marry an alcohol distributor heiress, right?
Anyway, I don't know about you...but these worsening conditions seem to DEMAND the election of a team like McCain-Palin. Anybody who professes to know as little about the economy as Mac does couldn't possibly do worse than the current crew, right? And Phil Gramm for Treasury Secretary! Let's get this sucker over right away.
And if ever there was a need for someone with the vast executive experience of the likes of Sarah Palin wouldn't it be right now? Isn't there some constitutional way or another to advance the election so we don't have to wait 50 more days? I would certainly sleep better through the coming economic winter knowing that at McCain's right hand is someone accustomed to living half the year in the frozen, barren darkness. A perfect fit!
And don't forget, when Palin was Mayor of Wasilla, she had to meet a payroll (of dozens!), oversee a budget for THOUSANDS of people (about 7,000 to be exact!) and she masterfully supervised the building of an ice rink. You try that—once you're out of the soup line.
Go ahead, you weak-kneed panty twisters. Go ahead with your panic sell-off. Go play pattycake with Greenspan. Me? I'm giving orders tomorrow to my broker to buy, buy, buy as I just know we're gonna be in great hands very, very soon.
Buy, baby, buy!
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But of course, Rebel Girl consults the poets as well, those unacknowleged legislators.
From C.D. Wright's poem "Like Hearing Your Name Called in a Language You Don't Understand," from the book, "Rising, Falling, Hovering":
Though I have worn the medal of the old town with forlorn pleasure
I say unto you:
Comrades, be not in mourning for your being
to express happiness and expel scorpions is the best job on earth.