.....As you know, our two colleges recently received letters from the Accrediting Commission (ACCJC). Each college was informed that it has been “out of compliance” with accrediting standards for longer than the two years allowed by the Department of Education. (It's been three years.)
.....Accordingly, each college must “completely” resolve “concerns” by October 15 of 2008—that's less than 8 months from now. (See IVC letter and Saddleback letter.)
.....The “concerns” are expressed in the following recommendations:
Irvine Valley College:.....Well, exactly no one wants the colleges to lose their accreditation.
Rec 6: “The Board of Trustees cease involvement in college and district operations….”
Rec 7: “…define, …regularly evaluate, and continuously improve the…leadership roles and scopes of authority of…constituent groups…in…collegial decision-making processes.”
Rec 8: “[All groups]…come together and take measures to reduce the hostility, cynicism, despair, and fear….”
Saddleback College:
“College” Rec 3: “…develop…student learning outcomes….”
“District” Rec 5: “The Board of Trustees cease their involvement in college and district operations….” [SC Rec 5 is similar to IVC Rec 6 and essentially includes IVC Rec 7—“leadership roles…and scopes of authority”.]
“District” Rec 6: “[All groups]…come together and take measures to reduce the hostility, cynicism, despair, and fear….] [Essentially, this is the same as IVC Rec 8, but this recommendation specifies the need for “greater administrative stability and empowerment at the college….”]
.....Obviously, faculty, trustees, administrators, students, classified employees, et al.—we’re all in this together.
.....It is my intention to establish a forum to discuss how we might save ourselves from disaster. I do hope that members of the district community will write us to offer their sincere and thoughtful suggestions. —DtB
(I should add that, according to reliable sources, board President Don Wagner has expressed a sincere willingness and even enthusiasm for working together with faculty to deal with our accreditation predicament.)