Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Hand sanitizer. Right.

Today, members of the campus community (at Irvine Valley College) received an email. It included a brief letter from IVC Police Chief Will Glen.

In the letter, Chief Glen reminds us that the college is drafting a plan to prepare for an outbreak of the Swine Flu. He offers some prevention advice from the CDC—cover your mouth, wash your hands, stay home if you’re ill—which, he explains, is displayed on posters all over campus.

Then comes the fun part:
we are issuing individual bottles of ‘hand sanitizer’ to each employee as a reminder to wash your hands.
I checked my mailbox and, sure enough, it contained a bottle of hand sanitizer.

It would be ridiculous to suppose that one can combat Swine Flu with bottles of hand sanitizer. But it is not ridiculous, I suppose, to offer these tokens as a reminder.

I guess.

I asked one of our scientists if the hand sanitizer works. “Yes,” she said, “but you’ve pretty much got to keep using it every time you touch anything.”


Yeah, but it’s a reminder, a reminder to keep washing your hands. As I understand it, you’ve pretty much gotta keep doing that all day to do any good.

Hand-washing. I bet it would be more effective to wear a button that said, “Screw Swine Flu.”

Why always the silly gestures? I don't mean IVC and Swine Flu. I mean us, always, all the time.

“We cut 'em in half with a machine gun and give 'em a Band-Aid.”

"Nazi youth rally" at the Balboa Bay Club

Earlier today, I received an email from a reporter informing me that he had just received a press release concerning Don Wagner and Tom Fuentes. He joked that, according to the release, Fuentes is “hosting a ‘Wagner for Assembly’ Nazi youth rally at the Balboa Bay Club on Wednesday night.”
He asked me for some background on these two.

I mentioned all of this to Rebel Girl, who then found the following “upcoming event” listed at the OC Republican Party’s website:
Wednesday, 9/30/09
5:30 PM
Special Event

Campaign Kick-off Party For Don Wagner for Assembly
Featuring Special Guest Tom Fuentes, Chairman Emeritus, Republican Party Of Orange County
Where: Balboa Bay Club & Resort, Newport Beach
You are cordially invited to a campaign kick-off party for Don Wagner, candidate for State Assembly, with special guest and Master of Ceremonies Tom Fuentes, Chairman Emeritus of the Republican Party of Orange County. Reception will be held on Wednesday, September 30, 2009 at 5:30pm at the Balboa Bay Club on the patio at Duke's. To RSVP or if you have any questions, please feel free to contact Desiree at 949-794-7204 or desiree@dezandassociates.com.

This, of course, is further evidence that Don Wagner has sold his soul to the devil, aka Tom Fuentes. Nothing good can come of it. Frogs will soon fill the sky, pumpkin juice will replace the seas.

Rebel Girl also found this announcement:

Friday, 10/16/09
5:00 PM
Special Event
A Poolside Birthday Party Smoker
In Honor Of Tom Fuentes

Where: The Radisson Hotel, Newport Beach

You Are Cordially Invited To

A Poolside Birthday Party Smoker

In Honor Of

Chairman Emeritus of the Republican Party of Orange County

Senior Fellow, The Claremont Institute

With Special Guests

Former California Republican Nominee for the United States Senate



Former Conservative Party Member of the House of Commons of the British Parliament

At The Opening Night Of The

2009 Western Conservative Political Action Conference 


The Radisson Hotel

Complimentary Cigars

No Host Bar


Regnery Books Door Prizes 


Attire: Business Casual

RSVP: conservative@westernCPAC.com

Rebel Girl's Poetry Corner: "burning the world to live in it is wrong"

If Rebel Girl were teaching this semester, rather than sabbatical-ing, she would probably share this poem in a creative writing class and fashion an assignment inspired from it, using a speech as the form and premise.

From the September 28 edition of The New Yorker:

A Speech to the Garden Club of America
by Wendell Berry

(With thanks to Wes Jackson and in memory of Sir Albert Howard and Stan Rowe.)

Thank you. I’m glad to know we’re friends, of course;
There are so many outcomes that are worse.
But I must add I’m sorry for getting here
By a sustained explosion through the air,
Burning the world in fact to rise much higher
Than we should go. The world may end in fire
As prophesied—our world! We speak of it
As “fuel” while we burn it in our fit
Of temporary progress, digging up
An antique dark-held luster to corrupt
The present light with smokes and smudges, poison
To outlast time and shatter comprehension.
Burning the world to live in it is wrong,
As wrong as to make war to get along
And be at peace, to falsify the land
By sciences of greed, or by demand
For food that’s fast or cheap to falsify
The body’s health and pleasure—don’t ask why.
But why not play it cool? Why not survive
By Nature’s laws that still keep us alive?
Let us enlighten, then, our earthly burdens
By going back to school, this time in gardens
That burn no hotter than the summer day.
By birth and growth, ripeness, death and decay,
By goods that bind us to all living things,
Life of our life, the garden lives and sings.
The Wheel of Life, delight, the fact of wonder,
Contemporary light, work, sweat, and hunger
Bring food to table, food to cellar shelves.
A creature of the surface, like ourselves,
The garden lives by the immortal Wheel
That turns in place, year after year, to heal
It whole. Unlike our economic pyre
That draws from ancient rock a fossil fire,
An anti-life of radiance and fume
That burns as power and remains as doom,
The garden delves no deeper than its roots
And lifts no higher than its leaves and fruits.

Roy's obituary in LA Times and Register: "we were lucky to have you while we did"

  This ran in the Sunday December 24, 2023 edition of the Los Angeles Times and the Orange County Register : July 14, 1955 - November 20, 2...