Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Inspirational graphics for a Tuesday evening

Bob says that IVC is the best educational bargain around. Hence the new sign.
I think he shoulda waited for board approval though.

Just having a little fun with one of our trustees, the irrepressible Tom Fuentes, former head of the OC GOP. He's very staunch. Find 'im at the Balboa Bay Club, smoking cigars.

1990: Humanities was all set to get the next shiny new building—this one here. Then Mathur blackballed us, so we got skipped over a few times. But it's OK; we're set to get our own trailer village in 2015.

Everybody thinks I make this sh*t up. Nope, I got this graphic from the Irvine Ranch Water District site. Whatever you do, don't lick the ground. And try not to breathe.

This was an actual page from the OC Register (though I magnified the article at right). Rats, rat bastards, and ukuleles all on the same page. Gotta love the OC.

Two or three years ago, one of our college PR people dropped by with an idea: a campus book burning! "No," said Rebel Girl. "Not a good idea." He couldn't understand what the problem was. 
I fashioned this nifty poster.  See Hey, kids! Let's put on a book burning!

Clearly, Tom was born thirty years too late. Bourbon and cigars.

Just a tiny flower, here at my place, yesterday morning.

About last night (the board meeting)

Craig's “Instructional Coordinator”:

As you know, at the end of August, long-time faculty leader Wendy Gabriella gave up the IVC Academic Senate Presidency, a position she held for many years, to become “Instructional Coordinator of Academic Programs, Office of Instruction, for the 2009-2010 academic year.” (See Wendy’s new assignment, 8/27/09.) The position evidently entails 100% reassigned time.

As the Instructional Coordinator (IC), Wendy is essentially VPI Craig Justice’s assistant and, evidently, his representative (she reportedly explains), which occasionally creates odd circumstances in which a member of faculty leads a gaggle of administrators.

There’s a certain amount of talk in the hallways about that. Some people don’t like it. Not a bit.

The “Dean of Academic Programs” (DAPS):

This circumstance has a peculiar history. As I explained in August,
It is no secret that VPI Justice … has been encumbered by startlingly numerous responsibilities since he came to IVC two or three years ago. That problem led to a proposal, last spring, to create a new IVC deanship—a Dean of Academic Programs, Student Learning, and Research [DAPS]. The proposal, however, was rejected by the SOCCCD board, perhaps owing in part to the need for frugality (or, anyway, its appearance) during this period of fiscal stress.
I first reported on the board’s rejection of the DAPS idea back in April (Notes on last night’s board meeting). At the time, I noted a peculiar moment during the April board meeting:
Chancellor [Raghu] Mathur stated that he supported the [DAPS] proposal. Oddly, he even seemed to say that, if the position is approved and [IVC Prez] Glenn [Roquemore] sends up a candidate, he’ll support that recommendation too! … Sounds like Raghu has been in the woodshed.
Woodshed? Allow me to explain. At the time (and, I suspect, ever since), tensions existed between Wagner and Mathur. The story, at any rate, was that Mathur had angered Wagner by somehow undermining some elements on his agenda (as board President). Mathur, of course, is a long-time opponent of Wendy’s (for reasons that need not be explained for those familiar with this blog). But, owing to their work together on IVC’s accreditation task force, Don and Wendy (and IVC Prez Glenn Roquemore) had developed a good working relationship. They were pals, more or less.

And so: Mathur’s curious remark at the April board meeting suggested to some observers (to me anyway) that, some time before the board meeting, Wagner had read Mathur the riot act about his interference with Roquemore and Justice’s plan to pursue this new deanship—and perhaps ultimately to give Wendy the job.

But then August came around and Wendy became “Instructional Coordinator,” i.e., Craig’s assistant. Many observers saw Wendy’s appointment to that position as either (a) a way around the board’s decision to reject the new dean position—or (b) a convenient transitional situation until the atmosphere becomes right to bring back the DAPS idea—or (c) both (a) and (b).

Good freakin' grief!

Naturally, anyone who believes in fair and open hiring processes will cringe at the possibility that administrators would pursue a new position—such as a deanship—with a particular person in mind to fill that position. And, gosh, many of us who have battled the forces of slime and darkness since 1996 have regarded “fairness and openness” as, well, a big part of what we were fighting for.

About last night:

OK, so here’s the thing. In recent weeks, various people have been telling me to look for DAPS (that “new” dean position) to appear on the agenda for the board’s October meeting. That sounded pretty unlikely—why would Glenn/Craig recommend a position that, only six months ago, the board had rejected? Still, I looked for it when the agenda finally became available late last week.

But it was nowhere to be found. Thus, when, here on Dissent, I previewed issues for the October meeting, I made no reference to DAPS. I just figured that the people I talk to didn't know what they were talking about. It happens.

Except they did know what they were talking about. Today, several people informed me that, at last night’s board meeting, during the closed session, Don Wagner was hopping mad (at Mathur?) that the DAPS item had been “pulled” from (or had not been placed on) the agenda.

Was this a replay of Mathur’s anti-Wendy and anti-Glenn/Craig shenanigans of April?

Who the hell knows. Not me, that's for sure.

And how does Wagner and Fuentes’ cozy relationship on the campaign trail figure into all this? It’s plain that Fuentes is pulling out all the stops to help Wagner get elected as Assemblyman for the 70th District. But Fuentes is not the kind of guy who just helps guys out. Strings are attached. And Fuentes’ has long been Raghu Mathur’s only strong supporter on the board (aside from John Williams, who has become a cardboard figure).

You’d think that, if Fuentes gets what he wants from Wagner, he’s gonna get Wagner’s “hands off” of Mathur.

Good grief. You figure it out. I'm goin' to the gym.

Poor personal hygiene?

More Anger After College Statement on Suspension of 4 Profs (Inside Higher Ed)

Southwestern College, a community college outside San Diego, has been under fire since last week's suspension of four faculty members, following a protest that criticized the administration. With professors saying that they are being punished for expressing their views, the college late Monday issued a new statement -- but that statement (while noting that one suspension has been lifted) only further angered the professors. The statement says: "Four faculty members were placed on paid administrative leave on Thursday, October 22, 2009, and three faculty members remain on paid administrative leave at this time, pending the outcome of the investigation. Please understand that no formal charges or allegations have been made against any College faculty member or employee at this time. The student rally held between 11 a.m. and 12 p.m. on October 22, 2009, is not the focus of the investigation. The college is investigating safety and security issues that arose after the approved organized student rally. The college respects, values and is committed to lawful free expression and the student rally provided an opportunity for our students to voice their concerns and to underscore the challenges that all community college students, and community colleges, are experiencing. The college is committed to maintaining a safe environment for our students and staff, which is the focus of the investigation."

College officials did not respond to requests for clarifications on the statement. But Philip Lopez, an English professor who is president of the faculty union, said that the statement only added to the questions about the incident. If the college is now on record as saying that there are no charges or allegations, why is it appropriate to remove faculty members from their classes and ban them from campus, he asked. Lopez said this action violates basic due process rights. "If there are no charges, why were we placed on leave?," he asked. "Rumor? Reputation? Union-busting? Poor personal hygiene?"
UCI law dean Chemerinsky to represent teacher sued by student (OC Register)

From DtB file D
From DtB file K

Roy's obituary in LA Times and Register: "we were lucky to have you while we did"

  This ran in the Sunday December 24, 2023 edition of the Los Angeles Times and the Orange County Register : July 14, 1955 - November 20, 2...