Evidently, the OC Christian Coalition sends out questionnaires to candidates, asking predictably rightwingular questions. Insofar as candidates respond, the OC CC displays responses on a website (OC Christian Coalition Voters Guide).
About half of the candidate pool seem to blow off the questionnaire. But Nancy Padberg, who ran for Superior Court Judge, and John Williams, who ran for County Public Administrator, dutifully answered the CC’s questions.
Nancy’s responses are perhaps too predictable to mention: she’s against abortion and physician assisted suicide; she supports religious people’s right to assemble just about anywhere; she plans to plant posies; etc.
In the case of the non-judicial county offices—including Public Administrator—candidates were asked somewhat different questions. Our man John “Orlando” Williams’ responses are provided below. Pay special attention to the 4th "issue":
Requiring parental notification in cases when a minor seeks an abortion
Prohibiting the teaching of homosexuality as an acceptable lifestyle in public schools
Denying protected minority status under civil rights laws to individuals based on their sexual preference
“Paycheck Protection Act” requiring signatures from members before unions can take dues for political purposes
Denying state funded benefits other than emergency medical care to illegal immigrants
Access to city/county facilities for the Boy Scouts of America
As usual, the Christian Coalition have homosexuality on the brain. They seem to view homosexuality not only as immoral but as a contagion. They are morons.
I get it, with their issue concerning the Boy Scouts, but what about Girl Scouts? If you’re gonna be a moron, you shouldn’t be sexist about it, I say.
Williams’ responses are unsurprising, if you've been paying attention to the guy. But I want to underscore his view concerning the “Paycheck Protection Act.” You see, John Boy always presents himself as the Union’s Best Friend. Just listen to the guy, if you can stand it. You'd swear he spends all his free time down at the union hall.
[Note: the SOCCCD Faculty Association has, on several occasions, and to my horror, endorsed candidate Williams. --RB, 6/16]
Perhaps you’re aware that the “Paycheck Protection Act” and similar legislation is the great Monkey Wrench that rightwingers try to throw into the “public education industry,” as they like to describe it. That is, rightwingers hope to devastate, or at least to decimate, teachers unions with this “protection,” which, if mandated, would surely shrink union coffers by a hefty percentage. They’ve been pushing this thing around the country for fifteen years, and they've met with success in some states, but, where it's passed, it has produced mixed results. (For more info, go to Fuentes' World/Prop 226; also, Google CA's Prop 75)
Indeed, such legislation (Prop 226) was the initial raison d’etre of Education Alliance, the organization that (with the financial assistance of our then-corrupt local) brought us Wagner and Padberg back in ’98.
And our man Williams is all for it. Some Union’s Best Friend, he is. With friends like this, district unionists don’t need any goddam enemies.
But they've got ‘em anyway.

The name "Christian Coalition" has come up more than once during the SOCCCD saga. Here's one especially memorable occasion:
Irvine World News
Frogue accuser feels 'set-up' by college trustee, colleagues
A former student of college district trustee Steven Frogue who has been at the forefront of accusations that Frogue taught that the holocaust did not happen as recorded in history, said he tried to convince her she is wrong during a meeting she described as a "surreal" experience.
Pam Bustamante, 26, said she thought she was meeting with a representative of the Christian Coalition at a restaurant on March 25 to discuss Frogue and was surprised to find Frogue waiting to join the meeting. The surprise grew, she said, when college board president John Williams and public relations consultant Pam Zanelli arrived a short while later.
Bustamante said the meeting had been set up by a co-worker who told her Scott Voight of the Christian Coalition wanted to discuss the allegations she has made about Frogue's teachings when she was his student at Foothill High School. She had been told the Christian Coalition had supported Frogue in the past and was concerned about the allegations.
"I thought I was going to be meeting with a couple of people from the Christian Coalition," Bustamante said. "I get out of my car, we walk over to the restaurant and I see Mr. Frogue sitting there on a bench. I just thought, 'Oh my gosh."'