
ACCORDING TO this morning’s
LA Times,
The "Magical History Tour" bus may roll back into Huntington Beach's Fourth of July parade. ¶ Parade organizers had snubbed the 1967 Volkswagen bus, which honors the Orange County lawsuit that desegregated California schools, because it lacked "entertainment value," although the U.S. Postal Service has deemed the lawsuit worthy of a commemorative stamp. ¶ But after a flurry of media attention, organizers on Tuesday told filmmaker Sandra Robbie, who proposed the entry, that they wanted to steer her bus back into the Independence Day parade, billed as the largest in the western United States, with 250,000 people expected to watch. ¶ …Pat Stier, who chairs the board that oversees the parade, said organizers also wanted the bus to mesh with the 300 or so other entries. ¶ "I said, 'Can you make it more patriotic and put some music on it and make it more fun?' " ¶ … "She's got a great cause," Stier said. "We just have to make it a fun great cause."
Yeah, can you make it more patriotic and ... more fun?