1. TRUSTEE Tom Fuentes’ pal Chriss Street sure is turning out to be a corrupt rat bastard. Imagine that!
Two county workers placed on leave: Two were involved in contract sought by Treasurer-Tax Collector Chriss Street for work on county building (OC Reg)

Ex-GOP activist faces new molestation charges: Jeffrey Ray Nielsen, a former aide to Rep. Dana Rohrabacher, R-Huntington Beach, abused the boy at his Fountain Valley home, prosecutors say. (OC Reg)
Trustee Fuentes must be mighty disappointed in this young man. But at least Jeff is good to wet puppies!
3. Undoing an undoing?
UCI reportedly working on a deal to rehire Chemerinsky. (Times)
What? You think OC Repubs weren't up to their eyeballs in the unhire? We'll see, I guess.

●Rohrabacher, Baugh GOP Operative Charged in Another Man-Boy Sex Case
●NYT editorial: a bad beginning in Irvine
●Jeff Nielsen is a conservative guy
●Street under wider investigation