College Ends Ban on Nietzsche Quote:
Whether or not “God is dead,” as Nietzsche famously argued in The Gay Science, the philosopher’s famous quote can once again be displayed on the doors of faculty offices at Temple College, in Texas.The president of Temple, Glenda Barron, and Mark Smith, who had earlier ordered a professor to remove the quotation from his door, sent out an e-mail message to faculty members reversing the earlier decision.
“Recently, the administration required the removal of a cartoon and a Nietzsche statement from the door of a faculty member. We have reviewed the Temple College policies and believe that the action was inappropriate.... We have notified the faculty member and regret any inconvenience this may have caused that person.” So Kerry Laird, the literature professor who had the quote up and was told to take it down, is now free to put back the quote (in the original German) he originally had posted: Gott ist tot….

On a campus already strained by deep tensions, professors at Irvine Valley College are in an uproar over a new policy that they say threatens the time-honored practice of decorating office doors and windows with the cartoons, clippings and fliers that reflect their humor and passions.
Faculty representatives are threatening legal action over a memo teachers received last week telling them to remove any posters or signs they have displayed on their office windows or external doors.
The college president, Raghu P. Mathur, says he is seeking only to protect the school from unsightly clutter.
But professors allege the policy is a ploy to stifle their ongoing criticism of the school’s leadership….
Signs on professors’ doors and windows range from cartoons, newspaper clippings and announcements about grades and scholarships to sharp blows at Mathur. In one window, which faces the campus and can be seen from a distance, large signs proclaim “Mathur Must Go” and “Raghu Must Resign”…. (LA Times, 8/2/99)

Carona trial: Ex-Sheriff gave badges, permits for money, witness says:
Jurors in the public corruption trial of ex-lawman Mike Carona listened today to a former assistant sheriff testify that Carona doled out sheriff's reserve badges and concealed weapons permits to rich supporters in exchange for money.
They also heard former assistant sheriff Don Haidl describe how Carona steered legal cases involving sheriff's department employees and their families – including one involving the death of a sheriff's deputy – to attorney Joe Cavallo, who in turn, Haidl testified, gave Carona a cut….

Obama Joke by Premier Has Italy in an Uproar:
Italians never quite know whether to laugh or cry at Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi. But many reacted with incredulity and outrage after the prime minister, visiting Moscow on Thursday, amiably called the first African-American president-elect in United States history “young, handsome and suntanned.”
[Journalist Curzio] … Maltese added that just when Mr. Obama’s victory was “inspiring billions of people” to consider “democracy, the most extraordinary triumph of humanity after centuries of bloodshed and intolerance,” Mr. Berlusconi instead contributed “a miserable, vulgar and racist remark, for which he didn’t even have the courage to take responsibility or the dignity to apologize.”
Later on Friday, Mr. Obama, who has been calling world leaders, had a “long, cordial” telephone conversation with Mr. Berlusconi, according to the Italian news media. The two did not discuss the gaffe….
All photos: today in Modjeska Canyon