Walk on, talk on,
baby tell no lies.
Don't you be caught
with a tear in your eye.
Come on, baby, let's go downtown,
Let's go, let's go,
let's go downtown.
—Whitten & Young's "Come on Baby, Let's Go Downtown"CLICK ON THE IMAGES to make them larger:
Sister Fannie is doing lots better today--although she isn't
feeling lots better: she says she's at seven on the ten scale, painwise, which ain't good. I felt bad.
Elroy and I visited her just before noon, but she had just achieved a kind of sleepiness, so we left her to try to catch some ZZZZs. Meanwhile, we went into the city.

I took these snaps mostly from the driver's side of my Chrysler, so they're a little wacky, but I like wacky.
These pics might not be very good, but they are fresh. I just took 'em a few hours ago!

We blundered our way over to Coit Tower, where I half expected to see Clint Eastwood hotfooting it up the hill with his 44 Magnum. It was a nice day, so we got our tickets, crowded into the tiny elevator, and went straight up twenty-one floors.

I tried to speak German to a German family, but they just stared at me. Later, Elroy noted that they were indeed a German family, but they were a
deaf German family. Oh.
Elroy knows some sign language, owing to his stint as a cop in Brisbane. He signed something to me, but I did not dare ask what he was saying. "Asshole," probably.

Weatherwise, this is one seriously fucked-up city. But I've got to admit that it is also one seriously
beautiful city. I loved driving through downtown and through the nearby neighborhoods.

Take it from me: a Chrysler 300 is perfect for racing through the streets of San Francisco. You don't need no stinkin' Mustang.

Do bring a jacket, though. Burr.

I didn't spot anybody with goddam flowers in their hair.

Here's that famous Pyramid building. It looks pretty good, I guess. I wonder if anybody's ever sat on the point?

OK, there isn't much that's cooler than an old Studebaker. I do believe that this is a 1955 Studebaker Commander Coupe. It's a dilapidated specimen, but I'll take what I can get.
After the Studebaker, we headed back to the hospital. We visited Fannie for a good three hours. She says, "Hey."
Robin Williams says "Hey," too.