"What if," asked one reader, "you crossed John Williams with that rat bastard Dick Cheney?"

That could get ugly, what with the clash of John's celebrated boyishness and Dick Cheney's renowned slow-burn evilosity. Here goes:

I call it, "Dick Wheney." Or maybe "John Chilliams." DickJohn Wheney?
Speakin' of people with a history of dangerous drivin', what about Laura Bush, the First Lady? (See Fatal Car Accident.) I do believe she's the most admired woman in America, and why not! I mean, she leaves the driving to others nowadays, so she's safe as milk.
Plus, she's a librarian.
One reader asks: "What if you crossed Trustee Nancy Padberg with our beloved Laura? I bet that would make a pretty picture!"

Don't think so. Check it out:

Good Lord! Good Lord Almighty!

OK. You've gotta admit that Ann Coulter and Tom Fuentes have a way of stirrin' up hornets nests. I mean, they're practically twins, what with his talk of "whores" and her talk of liberal "treason." Naturally, therefore, many readers have requested a crossing of Orange County's own Tom Fuentes with the Dark Side's Ann Coulter:

I give you--Ann Fuentes! --Or maybe Tommy-Ann Fuentes-Coulter, although I don't think Ann would sit still for the hyphenated name. But whadoo I know.
Earlier today (Friday), "Patrick" requested a Sherry Miller-White/Teddi Lorch hybrid. That's pretty weird, but whatever.
Sherry, as I'm sure you know, was the President of the faculty union during its most controversial phase (circa 96-7).
At the time, Teddi was on the Board of Trustees. She resigned amid rumors (mentioned in Dissent at the time) that she coveted the Human Resources job. How inappropriate.
Guess what?

Well, re the graphic, I didn't have much to work with, just an old black and white photo of Sherry (circa 1996) and what appears to be Teddi's High School graduation photo. I put 'em together and got this:

Well, that ain't a bit funny. She's just attractive, not funny.
I know. Here's Teddi Miller-White (Sherry Lorch?) as she appeared on the TV show "Room 666" in an alternative universe, circa 1968:

Remember? That's principal Seymour Kaufman standing behind our girl.
Jeez, I feel old.