Saturday, February 28, 2015

Trustee oblivion: moving the district to the geographical middle

On the "plight of part-time faculty"
Glad to work here; but can't
afford to live here
     Check out video of public comments—by faculty union members—at Monday’s meeting of the SOCCCD board of trustees.
     Just click here, then wait three or four seconds. Voila!

     OBLIVION. Also recommended (located at 1:30:20), is the discussion of item 6.7, 2015-2016 five-year construction plan (order of priorities).
     Just click here (wait for a few seconds).
Paid office hours for adjuncts
     Look in particular for the discussion of a proposed District Services building “relocation” [“closer to the center” between SC and IVC].
     “Both of the colleges have asked that we begin to consider potential funding sources….”
     That discussion begins about eight minutes in (about 1:38).
     Trustees seem surprised by the proposal/priority, which has support at both colleges and which is by no means a new idea. 
     (See also February Board Meeting.)

Too much of nothing
Can make a man a liar
It can cause some men to sleep on nails
Other men to eat fire
Ev’rybody’s doin’ somethin’
I heard it in a dream
But when there’s too much of nothing
It just makes a fella mean
Say hello to Valerie
Say hello to Vivian
Send them all my salary
On the waters of oblivion
The traditional "half way" mark

Friday, February 27, 2015

Part-timers make noise

Day of Protest (Inside Higher Ed)

By Colleen Flaherty and Kaitlin Mulhere

     It started as a simple question on social media: What would happen if adjuncts across the country walked out on the same day, at the same time?
     That question got answered Wednesday -- sort of -- on the first-ever National Adjunct Walkout Day. There were some big walkouts at a few institutions but, for a variety of reasons, adjuncts at many more colleges and universities staged alternative protests, such as teach-ins, rallies and talks. Still, the movement led to unprecedented levels of conversation on many campuses, in the media and elsewhere about the working conditions of the majority of college faculty (those off the tenure track). And as a result, adjunct activists declared the day a success -- while wondering what comes next….
. . .
     Recurring themes resonate with adjuncts’ concerns nationwide: a desire for better pay, job security and respect that’s not afforded them in the current faculty “caste” system, [Robert Porter, a longtime non-tenure-track instructor of African-American, African and diaspora studies] said….

Monday, February 23, 2015

February meeting of the SOCCCD board of trustees: "this one is giving me heartburn"

     (Please read Tere's Board Meeting Highlights.)
     OK, it's 6:27, and the Ronnie Reagan room is pretty full. Things are hoppin' what with lots of union presence. No sign of the trustees just yet.
     Been reminiscin' with Tere about some of the good old days, like the time the mouse lady appeared. I mentioned the night Fuentes invaded Spain and held students hostage. And Don's blitzkrieg on librarians--that was pretty special too. Ah, the memories.
     6:32 -- I see that Dave Lang has entered. It's just a matter of minutes, then.
     6:34 -- Jemal and Poertner have entered. Now Prendergast.
     The Faculty Association (union) is planning a big presence tonight. No doubt they will make use of "public comments" near the start of the meeting.
     As always, the meeting will start with a "reading out" of actions in the closed session, occurring just prior to this open session. Then the Sacrifice of the First Born. Then the Invocation and Ritual Dance of the Young Pumpkin. Then comments.
     6:37 - Marcia just showed up. Jim Wright is here. Where's Nancy? (Jay and Padberg not present. Oddly, Padberg's absence is not explained. Jay is absent owing to illness apparently.)

THE OPEN SESSION BEGINS: big faculty union presence

     6:38 They start. Wright: 5/0 Pad and Jay absent. Settlement agreement classified manager, IVC. That's it.
     Invocation: Marcia. Moment of silence. Then pledge.
     No resolutions. A commendation, however. Tod Burnett comes up to podium. "Absolutely thrilled and elated" to issue commendations to blah blah blah. "Come on up you guys." They come up: People in Financial Aid at Saddleback College. There's about ten of 'em. Burnett yammers like he does, spouting factoids of wondrous achievements. Something about waivers. "21 million dollars in one year," he says. Weak applause. "959 students a year ago." "3700 students last year got money. More financial aid recipients." He goes through individual names. Each gets a round of applause.
     I'm in hell.
     On it goes. He's still reciting names, and the audience applauds. OK. Christian Alvarado gets a big whoop. Now Tere takes the inevitable pic. Big smiles. Lotsa teeth.
     Next: public comments.

     Seven people have requested to speak. Keep to 2 minutes please.

     Blake Stevens: Green T with white long-sleeve underneath. A fashion statement? "re contract negotions. It's the best of times and the worst of times. How come? Even with Prop 13, taxable base of OC leaping upwards. He goes "on and on and on" about prices of property. Bad news: attracting faculty to South OC means the need to get in housing. Prices of homes is higher than faculty salaries will support. Talks about rental rates. $300 per square foot per month. Consider that as you negotiate the faculty contract, the real cost of housing. (Refers to "Saddleback College" as though IVC is not part of district. D'oh!)
     Bob Cosgrove: Bob refers to colorful handout. Plight of part-time faculty. Low salaries, few benefits, cost of living. "Roadblock to student success." No office space for part-timers. Typical adjunct earns 20K for same work, no benefits. Refers to actions taken at CSU. Call for more tenure track faculty, et al. to speed up graduation. Gets applause.
     Jeanne Egasse: Says something funny about Bob's wonky ways. Advocates for salaries of our adjunct faculty and new faculty, very low on salary scale. Warm applause.
     Christina D: new faculty in history dept. Here in support of contract proposal. As new faculty, experiencing brunt of problems with housing costs. A challenge. $800K for 3-bedroom home in this area. Many financial products that existed five years ago no longer exist. It is important that CC faculty be members of the community. (Warm applause.)
     Beth Clary: been in district since '88. Reads comment from another part-timer. Volunteered to read for him/her. Reads: tip of the week recently publicized. Take advantage of faculty office hours, an avaliable resource. But 50% of classes are taught by part-timers who are not compensated and have no office space for office hours. Students can't meet with them, contra student success. (Gets an especially warm response from crowd.)
     Melissa Knoll. My story is really representative. Five years as part-timer, now full-timer. I'm happy. When I was part-time, I was a freeway flier. I couldn't continue the commute when I became full-time. I moved up here 3 months ago. I was amazed at the cost of living. There's no chance I can buy here. I considered renting. Decided against it. Can't save if I rent. But really happy to be here. --(Excellent speech. Very positive response.)
     Ken Woodward: Professor of Econ at Saddleback College. Wants to echo points made by previous speakers. Many of our thoughts are with Trustee Jay tonight; we wish him a speedy recovery. Bill Jay has been involved on both sides of the contract issue. His philosophy was always: we're a community. To attract the best faculty, we should have a salary schedule to allow faculty to live here. Faculty salaries have not increased in 4 years. The cost of having a house has soared. Please keep that in mind. We must be able to attract the best faculty--so we need to be able to compensate them so that they can be part of our community.
     No further comments.

Board Reports:

     Trustee Dave Lang: notes the "good crowd" in the Ronnie Reagan room Attended coach Hartman's funeral. Many influenced by him in his career. Attended OC School Board Ass. meeting with other trustees.
     Trustee TJ Prendergast: attended Presidents' Cup. Mentioned the "PACE" program, efficiency of energy. Contact your city, etc. Attended "Poets and Romantics" at IVC. Very entertaining.
     Trustee Tim Jemal: we certainly wish Trustee Jay a speedy recovery. I'm the newest on the board. It was a joy to sit next to him during my first year. Very funny man with a rich history with the district, college. Fair minded. I miss him. Attended AACC(?) event. Excellent conference. Speaker from Princeton Review: advice to high school students, when to take tests, detailed strategy. Jemal seemed critical of that advice. Keeps his advice simple: study, etc.
     Trustee Jim Wright: another comment about Bill Jay. New sciences building: will be a "magnificent building." Political Action group that Jemal and others attended (about tests for high school students). Basketball game, fought Fullerton. (As always, Wright proceeds as though IVC does not exist. Saddleback IS the SOCCCD, SOCCCD IS Saddleback.) City College of San Francisco. Legal events that might...
     Trustee Marcia Milchiker: echoes comments about BIll Jay. Attended Legislative Taskforce meeting. (It's great to see so many new faces at tonight's meeting.) Back to task force. I was one of the founders. IVC Pres Glenn Roquemore is member of OC business council. They'll be meeting every month to bring businesses in, partner with community colleges. STEAM instead of STEM. (Arts) New facilities bond measure, 2016. 9 billion dollars...etc.
     Student Trustee Keefe Carrillo: Bill Jay "is in my prayers." Attended Emeritus Institute. Don Wagner lecture series. His role as Assembly member. I'm very happy for him as former trustee. He's moving up. Running for State Senate is not easy. (Young Keefe is rather full of himself.) Hope the best for him. Welcome new substitute advisor at IVC.
     Chancellor's (Gary Poertner's) report: last spring, started trustee listening sessions. Concerns of faculty, staff expressed. Since that time, we've had discussion item to get information out about topic under discussion (at future listening session?). A report on DRAC (district resources allocation) tonight. Will have some sessions coming up. I look forward to them. I would remind all faculty and staff: next round coming up on April 22nd, a Wednesday. Please attend. Talk directly to the board.
     IVC President's report: nothing to add (said VPI Craig Justice on behalf of Roquemore, who is elsewhere.)
     SC President's report: Tod Burnett commences yammering. Two major events coming up: (a) economic report lunch.... [This sounds like an attempt to do what Jim Doti does every year from Chapman U.] (b) Foundation Gala. New alumnus of year. Lost two dear people: Prof Richie White. Ceramics instructor. Designed and built veterans memorial. Lost also George Hartmann. Started here in 1968.
     Student government reports, etc.


First discussion item: Process for development of academic calendar:

     Kathie Schmeidler and Dan Walsh (Academic Senate Presidents, IVC, SC).
     Walsh: Explains membership of "district ac. calendar committee." At Saddleback College, we have a calendar committee, lots of representation. We draft a calendar in view of state requirements, holidays, etc.
     Schmeidler: discusses the IVC calendar committee. Reaching campus-wide accord before meeting with other college committee, district. (The two colleges approach arriving at a proposed draft differently.)
     Calendar parameters: we are very concerned with balancing number of class days, Fall and Spring.  Etc. Discusses some details.
     Walsh: there's more to it still. Other needs: programs, faculty prep time, etc. It's impossible to make everyone happy [C. nurses]. Later start dates, earlier state dates, considered, discussed. The committee provides a draft sent to Academic Senate. Everyone has chance for input. Finally forwarded to district committee.
     Kathie: "we can get along even though we are disperate in height," she says, jokingly (referring to she and Walsh). Discusses IVC-specific concerns.

     Jemal: thanks for presentation. Kathie, you mentioned that calendar is arrived at by consent at IVC. No dissenting vote? Same at Saddleback College? Walsh: no. We vote. Kathie explains what "consensus" means in the IVC process. Sure, there's some dissent. Nobody, though, feels strongly enough opposed to block the consensus. Then we move forward. [As a senator, I can say that this corectly characterizes what occurs at least at the Ac. Senate level.]

Whaddya mean SNAFU?

4.2 Reviewing DRAC funding model

     Deb Fitzsimmons comes up, presents. Understanding the district resources allocation council (DRAC) model. [Obviously, this is about money and how it is allocated to the two colleges, etc.]
     Davit K (of IVC): DRAC--process established in 1997. DRAC council makes recommendations to Chancellor. Chancellor in turn recommends to trustees.
     Each entity within district (IVC, SC, District Services, etc.) has own committee.
     Shows "snapshot" of DRAC model. The main principle: SB 361 apportionment model is starting point. [The upshot: our starting point is the money we would receive from the state were we to use the most common state-funded model. But we don't use that model, since the amount of revenue produced by local property taxes exceeds what we'd get via state allocation. And thus a "surplus" is produced, and that must be divied up.] When amount (from basic aid) exceeds 361 amount: extra. We follow a conservative approach (namely, giving money as if using state apportionment; using extra money only for one-time projects, etc.). Basic Aid gravy used for large capitol projects. This is what BARC deals with, etc. (BARC is the Basic Aid committee.)
     DRAC: revenue allocation (amount allocated per college). Allocation is another process. A decentralized model. Etc. Each college decides how to use its money.
     DRAC model has five areas. SC, IVC, Contingency Reserve, General expenditures, and District services.
     Turns it over to Carol Hilton:
     FTES, blah blah blah. Revenue adjustment. (I lapse into a coma.... [You know me and fiscal stuff.])
     Credit funding rate, blah blah blah. (My coma deepens....) Is discussing components of "the SB 361d model." SC is a "large" college and IVC is a "medium." That will be changing. Both will be medium by next year. Has impact on all this.
     Growth rate... New way of measuring. Using that, we don't get 3% growth rate in the district for next year. Blah blah blah.
     Back to Deb F: Beyond 361. Board philosophy (guidelines). Excess revenue allocated for one-time purposes, etc. Not to be used for ongoing expenses. Conservative philosophy.
     Reminders about "basic aid." 72 districts. Each gets revenue entitlements. If revenues received are lower, if higher, etc. We happen to be in the enviable position of getting mucho property tax money, exceeding what we would get from state allocation. So we opt for "basic aid" approach, providing much gravy. [The state of affairs produces much animosity towards us across the state. Other districts occasionally make moves on our "extra" money. But this effort is poorly organized, never seems to get anywhere.]
     A basic aid district does not receive state support, but there is a qualifier (exception). She explained that. Categorical support, etc. We have to watch our enrollment growth. Could drop out of basic aid if we don't grow enough.
     Thirteen voting members of DRAC explained.

     Prendergast: raises questions about flexibility in model, blah blah blah.
Writing instructors, IVC
Next: consent calendar. Any that trustees wishe to pull? 5.4, 5.8, 5.5, 5.15. That's it.
   They vote on the rest. Unanimous yes votes.

     5.4 - hiring of a construction manager. Brandye D is asked to come up and explain. Blah blah blah.
     Motion to approve. Vote: unanimous.

     5.5 - Lang: would college presidents please tell us about CTE grants for their institutions?
     Burnett: hands off to Kathy Werle. Asks about something called "Sim-baby"? [I guess it sounds pretty goofy.] Kathy Werle explains: simulation infant. Also: Pop-Up shop. She doesn't know what that is: equipment grant of some kind. Blah blah blah. "It's all good for education, right" says Prendergast. --Guess so.
     Passes unanimously.

     5.8 - SC revised laboratory fees. Wright has a concern: "Adidas team clothes." What's that mean? Burnett's got nothing. "Usually" that stuff "is all furnished," says Wright. "I don't want to speculate," says Burnett. Motion to approve with amendment. Nope. Let's look it up right now. Move on to others in meantime....

     5.15 - Flip side of other one (grants?). Mostly equipment in biotechnologies. We don't have health programs at IVC, says Justice. Mostly equipment. Deb F suggests an amendment. It's complex. Concerns Rancho Santiago. They vote: unanimous.

     Returning to 5.8 - explains fee for supplemental gear that students can keep. This satisfies Wright. Motion, approval. Unanimous.
     6.1 - Marion Burgeson Award Nomination. Nobody's got anything. Nobody "wishes to be nominated." They move on.

. . . .

     6.3 - as usual, they agree to allow pay for absent trustee (Padberg, previous meeting)

     6.4 - Differential funding for high cost career technical education programs. Poertner: state looking more and more to CCs to provide techncial programs. Skills gap in populous, etc. Community college should provide that instruction, but it's expensive. So CCs have banded together and have drawn up a resolution re greater allocation for CET. Should we support?
     Jemal: yes, support this. How are we bridging this funding grap currently?
     Poertner: fewer resources for other programs, that's how. Funny. [I.e., there's no bridging of gaps possible right now, just robbing Peter to pay Paul.]
     Vote: unanimous.

. . . .

     6.6 - Saddlback College Technology and Applied Science (TAS) Swing space project.... Resolution. Passes unanimously.

Women of Humanities


     6.7 - 5 year construction plan.
     The return of Brandye. IVC Life Sciences was on first spot last year. Will be removed this year. ATEP building project has been updated. Fine Arts at IVC--something. A200 building remodel, blah blah blah
     IVC health center concession project, blah blah blah. Permanent building at ATEP. Under design right now. Student Services Annex Project. Moved together with concession bleachers bathroom project. (I'm back in a coma.) Brandye rattles this all off as though it were intelligible. No doubt it is.
     ....some building is in "desperate need of renovation...." (Wright)
     District Services Relocation. A kind of "to be determined" project. Should start looking for potential funders.  --Moving district to closer to middle between IVC and SC.
     Jemal: Saddleback College ATEP building?
     Brandye: IVC's building at ATEP first. Programming for that -- she turns over to Craig Justice. Laser technology, engineering classes, pre-engineering, STEM curricula, etc. Electronics and Laser to be allied. Blah blah blah. "Terrific list of programs" that will be out there. Fitz chimes in about squarte footage and programs info from past available to trustees.
     Jemal: when break ground for Saddleback ATEP? Brandye: don't know that yet. [I've heard that they've lost their funding source, so they're currently behind the 8 ball.]
     Wright: Science/Math building needs renovating. Adamant about that, evidently.
     Lang: first time we're seeing district relocation item here. [i.e., "What gives?"] Fitz: goal: move district services to "more centralized" location. Blah blah blah. Lang: unknown location, right? Yes. "A different site" than existing ones. Yes. Fitz: needs to be part of plan before we can discuss locations.
     Jemal: trying to understand rational for district services in between. Four different campuses, then? (SC, IVC, ATEP, District.) I'm having a hard time understanding rationale for this. Fitz hands off to Justice and Burnett.
    "Thank you, Deb," says Justice, funnily. (Doesn't want this hot spud.) Equity issue. Freeing up space for Saddleback too. Has long been discussed. Strong backing. Burnett: it started with IVC "for understandable reasons." They've got to come all the way down here. Saddleback: are both pros and cons of having district here. Both colleges agreed, yeah, the time is right. But Burnett notes: look where this is on the list. (Way down in exigency and contingency territory.)  They want it recognized as a project. (Burnett laughingly mentions desire for more parking: thus yes, want district moved away.)
     Milchiker: discusses high cost of properties. Not excited about looking for a new building. "That's where I'm coming from, thank you."
     Prendergast: I don't see the pool[on this list] (he says, jokingly). [P has been associated with swimming competitions in the past, in his high school incarnation.] Seems to have dropped off list! (He's only kidding.)
     Lang: I'm having similar problem (as others). It appears for first time, and seems to have high priority. Plans not very fleshed out. "This one is giving me heartburn."

     (COMMENT: this looks to be another instance of the board ignoring PROCESS. We've been discussing the desirability of this move for many years. But owing to their general cluelessness, the board reacts as though somebody is trying to pull a fast one.)

     Walsh chimes in: hey, was in strategic plan. (I.e., pay attention.) Has been out there before. 
     Schmeidler: the item had fallen to the wayside, and that surprised us. So we brought it back, an old issue.
     Aproval: unanimous

. . . .

     6.10 ATEP land exchange demolition project. Unanimous.
     6.11 Board Policy revision. Nursing Program. Public Safety camera system.
     Jemal: camera systems policy? New? Fitz: yes. Partly owing to current events, shootings.
     Jemal: significant costs attached to this. Any estimation? Carol Hilton: another $200K. The cost has really come down. Cost effective.
     Vote: unanimous.

     6.12 Academic Personnel Actions.
     One change.
     Vote: unanimous

     6.13 Classified personnel actions
     One change.
     Vote: unanimous

     6.14 Probationary faculty, first year.
     Vote: unanimous

     6.15 Probationary 2-year contract...
     Vote: unanimous

     6.16 Probationary 4-year
     Vote: unanimous

     7.1 IVC and SC speakers
     7.2 Third year....
     7.3 Basic aid report
     7.4 Facilities Plan
     7.5, 7.6, 7.7 -- Fitz chimed in with some warm and fuzzies.

Reports from governance groups:

Dan Walsh of SC Academic Senate ... blah blah blah
Faculty Association: Claire: hope for speedy recovery, Bill Jay, makes further plea - salary to cover cost of living in OC, housing, etc. Blah blah blah
Kathy Schmeidler of IVC Ac Senate: Echoes remarks of my colleagues. Congrats to faculty retained, tenured, etc. Mark calendars, April 17, Student Success Summit

---I'm outa here. (About 8:39)

Young Teddy

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Darkness on the Edge of Parking Lot 1

Last car in the IVC staff parking lot. Thursday night.
These things have been on Rebel Girl's mind:

* A familiar axe to grind: the absence of evening oversight continues. The new lighting (in some areas) does not make up for the utter absence of any administrator presence during the long dark evening hours when classes are full, students have questions, faculty have resource needs, etc. Rebel Girl observes that students tend to go to the well-lit coffee cart to ask their questions. Don't get her started about evening classes dismissing early or the numbers of people she observes on their knees in inky drifts of toner in front of the decrepit copiers in A-200 ...As faculty no longer have access to a printer to even print out copies to copy elsewhere or project with document cameras, she has also observed frustration and tears. Once her own.

* Another axe: Professors of English such as Rebel Girl all too often moan about the diminishment of the language. She caught herself doing just that during the week when she advertised the recently extended deadline of the IVC Foundation scholarship program to her WR 201 classes. It was, she announced, an opportunity for them to apply and for Rebel Girl to write more recommendation letters. Rebel Girl can speak passionately and persuasively about scholarships (and grants) because she cobbled together her own higher education with plenty of them (CAL, Pell, Regent's, Assistance League, etc.). She turned on the projector, pulled up the website and began to guide her students through the process. 

The students noticed before Rebel Girl did because she had her back to the screen. 

The misspelling. The erratic capitalization. The comma splices. The class had just reviewed these issues in their own work.

Here's just one example:

Sigh. It was a teaching moment. So, Rebel Girl taught — about the application process (spelled elsewhere on the website "APPLICAITON") as well as the need to proofread with care in case one's authority and message was lost, diminished. It was a good discussion which also covered the point that the message was indeed not lost despite the many errors and yet, the class acknowledged, it was unfortunate. After the initial titters, everyone seemed vaguely embarrassed.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

SOCCCD dismal truism #2

The miracle of hot air
From the SOCCCD "master plan"
SOCCCD dismal truism #2: to the consternation of thinking people everywhere, the district embraces the illiterate and dunderheaded evaluative architectonic of the Accreditors (and, more generally, of the "education"* crowd), thus busying administrators and faculty with endless committee work that produces mostly nonsense that, ahem, "guides" the district and its planners.

Am I too harsh? Consider our district’s “goals,” which inform our district’s “strategic plan”:

District-wide Goal 1. SOCCCD will create a district-wide culture which is characterized by mutual respect and collaboration and which celebrates the uniqueness of each institution. [Utter bullshit. And how do you create Lollipop Land when bullies are afoot? Here's a goal: no bullies and tyrants.]

District-wide Goal 2. SOCCCD will support innovations that result in quantifiable improvement in student preparedness and success and will facilitate the institutionalization of those innovations across the district. [“Facilitate the institutionalization of … innovations”? Who writes this crap? And why must our efforts be “innovations”? What if something tried and true will do the job? Buzz, buzz, buzz. Here's a goal: hire competent managers and deans.]

District-wide Goal 3. SOCCCD will maintain its technological leadership and will make future advancements which enhance student access and success. [Techno “advancements which enhance…success.” Vague buzzwordian horseshit.]

District-wide Goal 4. SOCCCD will increase the effective use of all resources by developing and implementing a cycle of integrated district-wide planning. [Yeah, we should plan. Say that. Note the assumption: that resources will be used effectively if we adopt a labyrinthine planning process. Don’t think so.]

District-wide Goal 5. SOCCCD will develop, document and implement data-driven district-wide decision-making processes that are collaborative, transparent, efficient and effective. [Utterly promiscuous and shameless buzzworditude. Note the assumption: data-driven is good! Yeah, but what about the quality of the data?]

District-wide Goal 6. SOCCCD will assess the educational needs of the communities within the district boundaries and will pursue joint venture partnerships with educational institutions and business/industry. [I got nothin'. Fair enough, I guess.]

*Those with Ed.D. degrees.
Essentially, the ACCJC adopted MSLOs [measurable student learning outcomes] as the overarching basis for accrediting community colleges based on their faith in the theoretical treatises of a movement.... After repeated requests for research showing that such use of MSLOs is effective, none has been forthcoming from the ACCJC [accreditors]. Prior to large scale imposition of such a requirement at all institutions, research should be provided to establish that continuous monitoring of MSLOs has resulted in measurable improvements in student success at a given institution. No such research is forthcoming because there is none….
The Accountability Game…., Leon F. Marzillier (Academic Senate for California Community Colleges, October, 2002)

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

SOCCCD dismal truism #1

First in a series.

SOCCCD dismal truism #1: from board micromanagement to board inaction

Owing to its history of overreach and loutishness (a failing largely overcome in recent years), the board is particularly concerned that it not be accused of “micromanagement.” Unfortunately, the board has settled into a routine of erring in the other extreme—inveterately refusing to investigate or address complaints and objections about officials' conduct and policies.

This has been particularly disastrous for Irvine Valley College, which has suffered under Glenn Roquemore’s embarrassing, anti-intellectualist, sub-collegiate leadership—poor hires, poor management, general obliviousness, failure to communicate or to sustain community, tolerance of incompetence and worse—for over a dozen years, allowing the institution to sink ever further into mediocrity and its employees ever deeper into resigned acquiescence.

(We invite your reactions and commentary.)

Monday, February 16, 2015

Disaster 3 awaits

      [UPDATE: one of our readers reports: "It appears that the hiring committee for the permanent Foundation Director is being formed. The faculty Association has appointed Bill Hewitt to be their representative on the committee, so he is not applying to be the Director." I have not yet confirmed this.]
    Former Counselor and Director of Support Services, Bill Hewitt, is now retired, but it's hard to tell, 'cause you still see him around so much.
     He has long been associated with the IVC Foundation, where, currently, he holds a leadership position. (As you know, Richard Morley, IVC's wildly unpopular recent Foundation Exec Director, vacated the office late in 2014, leaving the Foundation in lousy shape.)

     I do believe Bill is a part-time counselor nowadays, too. At any rate, that's how he's listed on IVC's Directory.

Not very presentable
     Over the years, we've heard endless rumblings to the effect that various former faculty and administrators covet a spot on the SOCCCD board. The two names that, in my experience, come up most often in this regard are Raghu P. Mathur, who (thankfully) seems to have dropped off the face of the Earth, and, well, Bill Hewitt, who has not. I do believe that those two reside in Marcia Milchiker's corner of the district, but Marcia, who's now in her 23rd year as trustee, has exhibited no interest in retiring from the board.
     Bill Hewitt has also kept an oar in the water, or at least his nose in the affairs, of the faculty union (Faculty Association), evidently having been instrumental in persuading Nancy Padberg to run for reelection last November, despite her recent injury and convalescence. (As you know, she sailed to victory, unopposed. She now attends board meeting regularly, but will she remain there? She seems a mere shadow of her former assertive and opinionated self.)
     Persistent inquiring minds wanna know: Does Bill now have his sights set on the IVC Foundation Executive Director spot, now filled, on an interim basis, by the estimable Dennis Gordon?
      The last two IVC Foundation Directors have been full-on disasters. Al Tello, a fellow who once suggested holding a "book-burning" fundraiser, hung onto his job for years only, it seems, because he was Trustee Tom Fuentes' boy. I still don't know how Richard Morley kept his job as long as he did. The man was about as presentable as the fat, green Mucinex spokesbooger ("Mr. Mucus"), only less charming.
     The subject of finding a new Executive Director came up at a recent Academic Senate meeting. I made a suggestion: given President Roquemore's dismal history with these hires (some of which involved "worrisome irregularities," I added), shouldn't the college take especially great care in this case?
     Everyone seemed to agree. Administrators in the room said nothing, of course.
     I'm waiting for Disaster 3.

"Value" performance and "economy"!
P.S.: I took a look at the Foundation website, and I happened to notice the organization's "mission" and "vision" and such. Here's its vision:
To be a preeminent community college foundation reflecting the value and economy of our community and greater Orange County, California.
     I get the first part: we envision being a "preeminent cc foundation." OK.
     It's the last part that I don't get. We envision "reflecting the value and economy of our community...."
     The value? Not the values? What's the community's "value"?
     Value and economy? This vision sounds like a TV ad selling bathroom tissue—or maybe mucus reduction spray.
     Just sayin'.

Sunday, February 15, 2015

What’s happening in Dandy Don’s world?

Fundraising could decide state Senate race (OC Reg)

     You’d be hard-pressed to slide a sheet of paper between the policy positions of the two veteran conservatives vying to fill the state Senate seat vacated by now-Congresswoman Mimi Walters, so slight are the differences.
     The most obvious distinctions have nothing to do with ideology: Former Supervisor John Moorlach’s name is better known, but Assemblyman Don Wagner holds a ninefold edge in fundraising.
. . .
     First-time candidate Naz Namazi, who portrays herself as even more conservative than her opponents, rounds out the field….
. . .
     Wagner, who will be termed out of the Assembly in 2016, started laying the groundwork for his Senate bid in early 2014....
     Wagner also had to run an Assembly re-election campaign last year, but he drew no GOP challengers and breezed past his Democratic opponent by more than a 2-to-1 margin. That enabled him to save his money and focus his energies on the Senate bid.
. . .
     “There’s a political-industrial complex among the Republicans here in Orange County, and they pick our candidates, and I don’t like it,” said the former Laguna Niguel resident [Naz Namazi], who moved to Irvine last month. That’s about the same time Namazi began working as a district aide to Rep. Dana Rohrabacher, R-Costa Mesa. Her candidacy is even more peculiar given her boss’ endorsement of Wagner….

Friday, February 13, 2015

"You Don't Know How Bad Things Can Get," Part 1

     [At a recent Humanities School meeting at IVC in which I (perhaps unnecessarily) urged younger faculty to consider securing leadership positions. I said something like, "You don't know how bad things can get!" I then briefly described the episode below. 
     Yes, folks, a dozen years ago, faculty at Irvine Valley College were told that, with few exceptions, they were no longer permitted to discuss the Iraq War in the classroom.]

From April, 2003. The essay was originally entitled,

“Exploration… inappropriate”
OR: How many pinheads can dance at the head of a college?

By Chunk Wheeler [RB]

March 27:

     OK, so there I was in the A200 lounge, fixin’ to go to the Irvine Valley College Academic Senate meeting, when Rebel Girl slips me a copy of a memo that had been sent to deans earlier that day by one Dennis White.
     I read it. It said:
     It has come to my attention that several faculty members have been discussing the current war within … their classrooms. We need to be sure that faculty do not explore this activity within … their classroom unless it can be demonstrated, to the satisfaction of this office, that such discussions are directly related to the approved instructional requirements … associated with those classes … College personnel are … encouraged to explore their views … outside … the classroom. Again, however, the exploration of those reviews [sic] within … the classroom is professionally inappropriate…
     “Good Lord!” I said. “This memo is sayin’ that we can’t talk about the war in class unless we clear it with Dennis White first!”
     The memo instructed deans to “advise…faculty and staff members of the position of this office.” That sounded pretty official.
     Wow. We hadn’t seen anything like this since ’97, when then-President Mathur forbade discussion of district politics in the classroom (except for Poli Sci courses).
     Nowadays, of course, Mathur is the Chancellor of the SOCCCD.

* * * * *
     Meanwhile, at UCI, their Chancellor urged students and faculty to discuss the war in class and elsewhere, but always to “express themselves with civility and tolerance, and act in a peaceful, nonviolent manner.” College administrators around the country are encouraging polite and peaceful discussion of the war in class and elsewhere.
     Not at IVC. There, “exploration” of the war in the classroom is “inappropriate.”

Thou beslubbering dismal-dreaming ratsbane!

     Who is this “Dennis White” anyway? Why, he’s our dapper new VP of Instruction. I recall first meeting Dennis, last November, outside Saddleback’s Library 104, on the night of his appointment. He seemed like a nice guy, so I apprised him of the recent history of our district.
     When I finished, he paused; he thunk; he assured me that he wouldn’t do anything indecent or illegal.
     I said: “I hate to break it to you, but if you’re a decent guy, you’ll be gone within a year.”
     A coupla weeks later, I saw White again at a Humanities department meeting, at which time he answered someone’s question by telling a story. To this largely feminist audience, he explained that, as a young man, he dropped out of high school and joined the military, whereupon he discovered the difference between officers and enlisted men, namely, the officers’ cars were better and the officers’ wives were “prettier.”
     Eyebrows arched skyward.
     White realized, he said, that the officers had sheepskins, and so he decided then and there to further his education. After his military stint, White, that seeker of spiffy cars and pretty women, snagged an A.A., then a B.A., then an M.A.
     Maybe White noticed some community college administrators and their wives and cars. He went out an’ snagged some Education degrees, including a doctorate.

* * * * *
     In early January, White showed up to his first IVC Academic Senate meeting, launching his practice of standin’ and speechifyin’. He referred to the turmoil that has beset our district. All that stuff, he said, amounted to mere “politics.”
     Now, one can describe our district’s infamous disquietude in many ways. But White, standing before a group of faculty, chose to describe it as faculty “antagonizing” administrators and the board.
     That such remarks plummeted to earth entirely escaped White’s consciousness. He closed by asking faculty to send him, via email, their “dreams.”
     Soon thereafter, I emailed the fellow my dream that faculty be accorded their appropriate role in college and district governance. I outlined the unfortunate facts, shared governance-wise, about our district. I noted that our “turmoil” concerned substantive issues. I suggested that the culprits, turmoil-wise, were, not the faculty, but administrators and trustees.
     In an email, White responded by warmly thanking me for my note and then accusing me of foully trying to draw him into my disagreements with administrators. He closed by alluding to his success at every institution where he has served.
     Where’s that? Why, until January of this year, White has spent his administrative life at Antelope Valley College, in beauteous Lancaster, California, where, as Dean of Fine & Performing Arts, he presided over about 16 full-time instructors.

Oddly, Dennis did not lack self-esteem
Thou impertinent fen-sucked horn-beast!

     March 27: Immediately after my encounter with Rebel Girl, I headed for the Senate meeting with Mizz G, a senator. Along the way, I described White’s memo. She laughed. She asked if I was joking.
     During the meeting, which White attended, the Senate Prez bemoaned the failure of junior faculty to participate in governance, owing to fear. He sought ways to overcome the problem. Some senators suggested that the fears are reasonable. Mizz G then cited White’s memo as the latest in a series of threats to faculty.
     White defended his memo. His point, he said, was that faculty, except in some areas, shouldn’t be expressing their opinions about the war in the classroom.
     Ted, a PE coach and Vietnam War vet, explained how discussions of the Iraq war can arise even in his courses. Others made reference to our “academic freedom.” That sounded pretty reasonable, but White was unmoved.
     He commenced lecturing us about “history.” According to White, the Supreme Court has considered whether faculty have a right to academic freedom. According to the Supremes, said White, they don’t.

Then-Trustee Don Wagner with pal Joe Arpaio
Thou puking dismal-dreaming dewberry!

     Friday morning, I contacted my pal Marla Jo at the OC Register. “What’s up?” she asked.
     On Saturday morning, an article appeared in that paper entitled, “Irvine Valley bans talk of war.” According to the article, “Faculty members at Irvine Valley College were banned this week from discussing the Iraqi war in classrooms, unless their course touches directly on the conflict….” According to the article, White says that he was responding to “student complaints.” He says he wanted to “protect” students from the “personal opinions” of faculty. He suggests that, in class, faculty should stick to their subjects.
     Naturally, editors at the L.A. Times were plenty steamed that the lowly Reg had beaten them to this sexy bannage story, so, on Sunday, they scrambled to out-do their rival, interviewing just about everybody in Orange County.
     That night, over a plate of GB’s wondrously excessive pasta, me ‘n’ Mizz G made predictions. “They’re gonna dig in their heels; you watch,” said G.
     “Nope,” said I. “They’re not that stupid. They’ll back off.”
     “Wanna bet?”

* * * * *
     The Times article appeared the next morning. It covered the same ground as the Reg piece, but it also sported IVC Prez Glenn Roquemore’s seemingly equivocal attempts at damage control:
…[C]ollege President Glenn Roquemore said the memo was “not a ban” and that the college respects the faculty’s academic-freedom rights. Though Roquemore didn’t rule out any disciplinary action [!], the memo “doesn’t say you’re going to be disciplined and thrown out of your job,” he said. “The memo has little effect, it’s certainly not official, and it’s subject to further debate.”
     Not official? Little effect? Academic-freedom rights? Having read that, I figured I’d won the bet.
     But Rocky went on to explain—and apparently to endorse—what White “meant” to say:
“I believe [White’s] memo was really meant to say, ‘Please talk to me before you enter into a conversation with your students, unless it’s in the context of a political science class’”….
     According to Rocky, therefore, unless an instructor teaches Political Science, he IS obliged to run things past White before talkin’ about the war.
     Rocky did throw in the word “please.”
     The Times also quoted staunch Mathurian apologist, and bowdlerizer extraordinaire, Ray Chandos, who sought to minimize the problem. Chandos “thought the memo was a case of ‘an administrator who received a complaint from a student, wrote a memo and hoped the situation would go away.’”

* * * * *
     Also on that Monday, Reuters, the news service, ran a story entitled “California college war talk ban stirs debate.” There, White explains that the limits he imposed on discussion and opining in the classroom are “attempting not to limit academic freedom or limit discussion but to define a framework for the discussion….” Oh.
     White went on to say:
War is very different to the people who are fighting and the people who are at home. I was just trying to make sure our faculty are sensitive to the type of students we have.’’ 
     Which “type of students” do we have? The ones at home, right?
     I don’t get it.
     Perhaps White’s point is that the studentry comprise diverse groups, and we ought not to reason in class in a manner that offends one or some of these groups.
     Does this mean we should avoid discussing natural selection and the problem of evil?
     White adds “that students at the community college, many of whom have relatives fighting in Iraq or families trapped there by Saddam Hussein, should not become a ‘captive audience’ to teachers.” He means, I suppose, that students should not be forced to listen to teachers’ opinions when those opinions offend them.
     But aren’t there importantly different kinds of opinions? Some opinions are mere opinions, but others, including some that offend, are much more than that.
     Isn’t that obvious?

* * * * *
     According to the Reuters article, the American Association of University Professors “has had several reports of incidents across the country in which state officials or communities tried to curb war talk….” In each case, says an AAUP spokesman in the article, “administrators resisted public pressure to limit campus speech….”
     In each case, that is, except ours.
     The phenomenon of community pressures to limit professors’ speech about the war on campuses even made the front page of the New York Times (“Professors protest as students debate,” 4/5/03).
     There, IVC gets a brief dishonorable mention.

Thou villainous rump-fed lout!

     The Reg, Times, and Reuters articles incited a media frenzy-ette. By Monday afternoon, the TV people—Fox, KCBS, KMEX, etc.—descended upon our little college, spillin’ wires and has-been reporters all over the lawn. Faculty were invited onto radio talk shows (KABC’s Al Rantel). Al Jazeerah’s website (jazeerah.infoNews) ran the Times article under the title: “Neo-McCarthyism.” Saudi Arabia’s decidedly anti-Bush Arab News ran the article.
     Meanwhile, NEAR (Network for Education and Academic Rights) weighed in, and the AAUP formed a special committee to monitor IVC. Academics from near and far (U of Redlands, Cal Arts, Riverside Community College, etc.) wrote to condemn White’s memo.
     An administrator at Glendale Community College sent the Times article to faculty, adding that “Banning classroom discussions of the war and other controversial topics is not the way” to approach the phenomenon of students who are upset by discussions of the war.

* * * * *
     Amidst all this, Dennis White issued a 2nd memo, in which he explains that he “strongly support[s] the concept of academic freedom.”
     But what about his claim, made just four days earlier, that the Supremes say there ain’t no Academic Freedom? I guess Dennis forgot to mention that he disagrees with the jurists.
     And how exactly does his “strong support” for Academic Freedom square with his muzzling of faculty?
     According to White, a “faculty member had spoken his personal views on the war effort,” and this resulted in student tears. In an effort to “recognize” the “diversity of the student body,” which includes students of “Middle Eastern backgrounds,” White “issued guidelines,” he says, that attempt to “define the proper context of” discussions of the war.
     How does a policy that muzzles speech recognize student diversity? What does the poor fellow mean?
     What many of us at IVC wanted to know, of course, was whether White’s “guidelines” obliged us to secure White’s approval before discussing the war! We wanted clarification about this pre-approval business, and memo #2 sheds no light on that at all.
     On the other hand, in the Times, Rocky seems to endorse pre-approval. Despite his guff about the memo not bein’ “official” an’ all, Rocky was, in truth, endorsing bannage and muzzlage.

Thou froward fat-kidneyed joithead!

     In the article that appeared in Tuesday’s Chronicle of Higher Education online, Roquemore again denies that the memo is “a new official policy.” “This college certainly approves of discussions about war by faculty and their students,” he is quoted as saying.
     He’s saying, of course, that faculty get to discuss the war all right, but not in the classroom.
     According to the Chronicle article, White “stands by” his memo. He explains that it would be appropriate to discuss the war in a political science or a cultural anthropology class, but not in a mathematics class.
     Now, what does it mean when a guy like Dennis White says he stands by his memo? That’s hard to say. Maybe he’s sayin’ that he’s hungry or that his feet hurt.
     In the Chronicle article, White steps deeper into dictatorial doo-doo. According to White, even in “courses where the war is a reasonable topic for discussion, professors should refrain from stating their personal views.” Further, White’s concerns aren’t “limited to the war.” For instance, it would be “problematic,” he says, for a criminal-justice instructor to express his opinion about the death penalty.
     In other words, in the classroom, opining in general is verboten.

Thou fobbing fool-born skainsmate!

     To my amazement, the Times editorial that appeared on Tuesday largely supported White:
[A]t Irvine Valley College…, the administration issued a heavy-handed warning to professors to avoid spouting their views on the war during class and to stick to their approved lesson plans. Here, common sense largely favors the college’s administration. Faculty members can be forgiven for overreacting to the memo; the Coast Community College District [!] has a miserable record on free speech…Into a campus thus primed for a free-speech battle, …Dennis White dropped a poorly worded memo…The document…provoked immediate faculty cries to protect academic freedom. This time, though, campus administrators are within their rights. 
     On Thursday, the Irvine World News expressed a similar view, though it suggested that administrators and students over-reacted.
     Meanwhile, at least one paper called White’s edict “un-American” (The Bakersfield Californian, 3/31/03).
     OK, Bakersfield doesn’t count.

Thou errant half-faced nut-hook!

     In an article appearing in the Irvine World News on Thursday, Roquemore suggests that the notion that White “banned all discussion about the war” resulted from “misinterpretations” of his memo. Contrary to critics, he suggests, faculty at IVC are free to express their opinions all over campus. It’s only in class, when they are teaching, that they gotta clam up about the war.
     Rocky assumes, of course, that faculty interpret White’s memo as a ban on discussions of the war anywhere on campus. But no one interprets it that way. The faculty complaint is that the memo bans discussion of the war in class.
     It is true, of course, that the media keep referring to White’s “ban on war talk.” But the reason that they do not bother to add “in the classroom” is that, when you think college, you think classroom.
     According to President Rocky, even when discussion of an issue is related to course content, “teachers have an obligation to present the various sides in a balanced manner….”
     Does this mean that, in class, I may not suggest that the Holocaust occurred unless I also refer to the contrary view and arguments of Holocaust deniers? That’s absurd. Well-trained academics know that some “sides” are not worth presenting. Sometimes, from a logical point of view, only one “side” (e.g., “the Holocaust occurred,” “the earth is round”) is worth presenting.
     Roquemore goes on to offer a sophistical understanding of opining. Offering an opinion, he suggests, is tantamount to “disseminating one’s personal sense of truth.”
     Really? If a biology instructor offers her assessment of, say, punctuated equilibrium, she is offering an opinion. But only a lout would suppose that she is thereby merely disseminating her personal sense of truth!
     Perhaps Rocky and his friends are thinking of the merest sort of opining—opining unencumbered by reasons. Or perhaps they object to opinions that are mere whims or matters of taste.
     Is that what one intends when one judges a war to be right or wrong—the expression of one’s tastes or whims? Obviously not.
     Or perhaps the Rockettes object, not to opining, but to forceful opining that muzzles disagreement.
     If that is what they mean, then they should express their view more clearly. They ought not to say that “discussions of the war” and “opinions” are inappropriate in the classroom.

Thou jarring guts-griping pignut!

     On Thursday, in yet another memo, Rocky attempted a clarification of White’s original ban. Here, he repeats White’s theme of the need for “sensitivity” to some students (those from the Middle East and those who have family serving in the military). According to Rocky, White’s purpose in the memo was only to “encourage faculty to use professional discretion in discussing the war in order to protect the integrity of the curricula and the students’ right to a course-related education.”
     Upon reading this memo, Mr. B unearthed a nicely framed photograph of Richard Nixon and handed it to me, saying, “You’ve clearly won the bet; you’ve won the Nixon.”
     I said, “I want this Nixon. I do. But I don’t get it. Haven’t I lost?”
     Meanwhile, in his column for the Times, Dana Parsons came down firmly on the side of academic freedom.
     What better place than a [college] to discuss something as vital as war and its inevitable global consequences?…Is there anything more important nowadays than the war in the Middle East? Its potential to affect so many aspects of American life…cuts across all disciplines. With the war on TV 24 hours a day, it’s unrealistic to expect students not to have it on their minds. Does that mean a week’s worth of chemistry lectures should be shelved to talk Iraq? Obviously not, but let’s trust our college instructors…to know how much is too much. Inevitably, some teachers will…rant and rave…but the students will survive it. At day’s end, they’ll at least have had their minds challenged, if not their patience…[T]hey’ll realize down the road that they were part of a great debate of the modern age. Those discussions aren’t likely to happen with Mom and Dad, and they’re not likely to happen on Friday night dates…At a time of war, the classroom is a great place to be.
     That pretty much nails it.

SOCCCD's dream team
Thou rank dread-bolted wagtail!

     April 10: There I was at yet another Senate meeting, along with VPI Dennis White. Item 10 was White’s “bannage” memo.
     When we got to that item, I spoke first. Addressing my comments to White, I noted that one can glean a philosophy about faculty classroom speech from White and Roquemore’s various memos and media interviews. I identified its elements.
     I asked White if this philosophy has any standing in the operations of his office.
     I then noted that the President had said that he was “investigating” cases in which faculty discussed the war in class, producing tears and whatnot. (I should have also mentioned that Roquemore “didn’t rule out any disciplinary action” in those cases.) I asked whether these faculty were being called in by administrators and whether the philosophy was being applied in their cases.
     White answered that he could not talk about meetings between administrators and faculty regarding this issue, owing to confidentiality. He noted, however, that he was “satisified” with those meetings.
     Regarding the status of his bannage philosophy, White said that there had been enough talk about it—it had been discussed all over the country—and he was not going to comment on it further.
     To some, White’s remarks were unsatisfactory. One instructor suggested that it is “hogwash” to suppose that only Poli Sci instructors have occasion to discuss the war. Others also explained how reference to the war naturally occurs in their classes.
     One instructor reported that White’s memo had a “chilling” effect on some instructors, who said they were now afraid to refer to the war in class at all. Another instructor suggested that Roquemore was trying to have it both ways: he seemed to agree with the memo and yet he also seemed to disown it.
     Someone motioned that the Senate seek clarification about the administration’s policy regarding academic freedom, about faculty opining, and about discussion of the war in particular.
     White then suggested that, if faculty ask for clarification, they might not like what they get.
     That raised eyebrows. Some senators viewed White’s remark as a threat. (That they understood him in that spirit became clear later, in conversation.)
     One instructor suggested that, as things stand, for all that she had been told, the bannage philosophy could be wielded against faculty now. It is better, she said, to be clear about the rules than to wonder whether one is somehow violating them.
     The motion failed by one vote.

Thou yeasty boil-brained fustilarian!

     On the 6th, the Times printed my response to their unfortunate editorial. A former student—he was a Marine at the time, he said—read it and then emailed me to express his anger and his support of Dennis White. According to this former student, I have chosen to defend “anti-American” professors who are “Saddam enablers.” He based this assessment of the professors on the fact that they are criticizing our President and the war. Evidently, in his mind, professors ought not to do that in the classroom.
     I also heard from a UCI professor who included a quotation by Teddy Roosevelt that I rather like:
     To announce that there must be no criticism of the President, or that we are to stand by the President, right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public.
Bully!  —CW


Memo from IVC President Raghu Mathur to "all faculty" 4/2/98 [NO POLITICS IN CLASS]

To: All Faculty 
     I understand that some students have asked instructors to allow them to speak in their classes about campus political matters. In light of professional sense and matter [sic] of good practice, I would like to caution and advise all faculty to maintain the integrity of the classroom instruction [sic] by adhering to approved curriculum and course outlines of record for their day-to-day activities. It is not a good practice for faculty to allow campus politics to interfere with the educational interests of the students in the classroom. Discussion of political matters, for example, in political science classes is certainly appropriate. Students are welcome to use other forums and avenues to exercise their freedom of speech without interfering with educational interests of other students.
     I appreciate very much your professional consideration of this matter. Thank you. 
Raghu Mathur
Irvine Valley College
Trustee Fuentes and pal Chris Cox, one of those most responsible
for the Great Recession (2008- )

Roy's obituary in LA Times and Register: "we were lucky to have you while we did"

  This ran in the Sunday December 24, 2023 edition of the Los Angeles Times and the Orange County Register : July 14, 1955 - November 20, 2...