Sunday, February 28, 2010

A golden oldie: Wagner defends prayer, Lorch attacks Dissent!

Brief, but fun, scenes from the January, 2000, meeting of the SOCCCD board of trustees:

See the infamous "Pteddidactyl." Frankly, I thought the graphic made her look great. But whaddoo I know.

Watch Monday’s gunfight at the Bonzo corral

Click: here. Then click on VIDEO for Board of Trustees February 22, 2010.

Then “jump to” 6.1


Sit back and behold Monday’s marvelous board (but not bored) discussion of whether to proceed with Chancellor recruitment.

Black hats: Fuentes, Lang, Williams
White hats: Milchiker, Jay, Padberg, Wagner

Remember: moving forward with the process does not entail hiring anyone. If the applicant pool is judged inadequate, nothing prevents our re-advertising and seeking a better pool.

(For my report on the board discussion, go here and here.)

Bonzo corral = SOCCCD Ronald Reagan board of trustees meeting room

Board Policy 4011.6 (Employment Procedures for Chancellor) is available (as a pdf file) here

Emmet said... ~ Fuentes looks mean. ~ 11:50 AM, February 28, 2010
Anonymous said... ~ Interesting that Fuentes uses the term "cloak of darkness" with no sense of irony. ¶ If he's so concerned about the taxpayers, will he release the billing statement for Mathur's mouthpiece that allowed for a legal fee of $25,000.00 for a basic termination of contract discussion and settlement? ~ 3:15 P.M.
Clara said... ~ You mean Phil Greer, the ethically-challenged Advocate to the Stars? --I.e., Local, corrupt right-wing officials. ~ 5:15 PM, February 28, 2010
Anonymous said... ~ It's almost like being there...yikes. ~ 7:52 AM, March 01, 2010
Anonymous said... ~ Williams certainly has devoted a lot of time to his hair. My goodness. Could that part get any straighter? And why no tell-tale gray hair? And that sheen. Blinding. ~ 7:56 AM
Anonymous said... ~ Can I get the policy in concrete? Please. ~ 8:16 AM
B. von Traven said... ~ We've provided the policy previously. But Board Policy 4011.6 (Employment Procedures for Chancellor) is available (as a pdf file) here ~ 8:23 AM
Anonymous‬ said... ~ Is it true that there exists some film of Fuentes at the Balboa Bay Club in his bedroom with a large flightless bird? ~ 9:25 AM
Anonymous‬ said... ~ Indeed. Wearing a white fluffy robe. ~ 9:28 AM

It hits the fan this week

• From this morning’s Sacramento Bee: Education protests on tap this week in California
The protests, teach-ins and walkouts that swept through University of California campuses this fall are scheduled to come back this week. But this time the activism is moving beyond UC – to include Cal State, community college and K-12 campuses – and beyond California to other states as well.

Buoyed by the influence they believe their demonstrations have had on Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, student and labor activists have planned a series of events to highlight the impact the state budget crisis is having on public education.

Thursday is expected to be the big day of activism in California and about a dozen other states, with promoters urging people to "march forth on March 4th." Teachers and other workers will be fighting for their jobs, while students will demonstrate their desire for more classes, lower fees and increased funding for education…. (continued)
• Governor Appoints New Secretary of Education (Alameda Blog)
As some of you may remember, California's Secretary of Education, Glen Thomas, resigned three weeks ago. ¶ In the past, the post has sometimes languished for months without a secretary to fill it. But this time the governor has already appointed a replacement: Bonnie Reiss, 54, a Democrat and long-time friend to Governor Schwarzenegger. (continued…)
• Meanwhile, at Southwestern College, the battle continues: Letters to the Editor:
It is of great concern and regret that the only institution of higher education in South County has, for the first time in its nearly 50-year history, been placed on probation by the accrediting commission for community colleges. The findings and recommendations by the WASC team can be viewed in their entirety at

No doubt this probationary status was imposed because eight of 10 previous recommendations made in the 2003 visit still had not been completely satisfied by WASC’s October 2009 visit. Upon review of the report, readers will determine that the primary findings are due to administrative shortcomings and ongoing problems with governance.

However, what the report does state clearly is that, “A sense of vibrancy and student engagement pervades the college, and faculty and staff are clearly dedicated to students and to providing a supportive environment for learning to occur.” It further states, “Turnover in administration has caused middle managers and faculty to take responsibility for the continuity of the day-to-day activities of the college. Staff loyalty and the evident engagement of student in the life of the college have sustained the college through its difficulties.”…
.( continued)
(Photo: Jason)

Roy's obituary in LA Times and Register: "we were lucky to have you while we did"

  This ran in the Sunday December 24, 2023 edition of the Los Angeles Times and the Orange County Register : July 14, 1955 - November 20, 2...