Have a nice weekend. Sunny says "hey."
The SOUTH ORANGE COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT — "[The] blog he developed was something that made the district better." - Tim Jemal, SOCCCD BoT President, 7/24/23
Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger’s budget plan to cut back funds for California’s need-based grants program would disproportionate hurt students at the state’s community colleges, the Institute for College Access and Success said in a report Thursday. The report said that because of the way money from the Cal Grant Program is distributed, new grants to community college students would be cut by 45 percent, or about 18,500 students, in the fall. The report also estimated that 700 students at the University of California would be denied a Cal Grant, 2,000 in the California State University system; 1,200 at private nonprofit colleges; and 3,000 at for-profit career colleges.From the OC Reg (Local preteen inventors to be on Leno tonight):
Three young inventors from Tustin and Irvine are heading up to Burbank today to hang out with Jay Leno for a few minutes of TV fame on the “The Tonight Show.”
Brandon Sharpe from Loma Vista Elementary will be talking about his belt buckle video camera. The invention, according to the third-grader, is designed to catch bullies in action. Joining Sharpe will be fifth-grader Benjamin Jacobs from Westpark Elementary and his “Perfect Parker” guide, which helps drivers park in their garages; and fifth-grader Kerissa Iyer at Brywood Elementary, with her popcorn-mate.
The trio was part of a group of more than 300 elementary and junior high students who displayed their inventions at the 21st annual Astounding Inventions showcase, which was sponsored by Greenberg Trauig law firm, at Irvine Valley College in January….
This ran in the Sunday December 24, 2023 edition of the Los Angeles Times and the Orange County Register : July 14, 1955 - November 20, 2...