.....Early yesterday, I went online to the Orange County government website and found an organizational chart that seemed to indicate that the person Williams answers to is the County Executive Officer, Thomas Mauk.
.....So I wrote him, explaining the “disturbing discrepancies in public records concerning” Mr. Williams. I wrote: “At appears that, in several instances, Williams claimed a full day’s work at his county job on days when, according to SOCCCD records, he was at conferences.”
.....I closed with: “If you are not the person to contact, please advise.”
.....Mr. Mauk did not write back, but, after a day and a half, I heard from Howard Sutter, CEO of Community/Media Relations (County):
I am writing in response to your e-mail of May 4, 2010 sent to Thomas G. Mauk, County Executive Officer. Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention. The matter you referenced is currently under review.As I expected, I was also apprised of “the nature of the reporting relationship between elected department heads and the County Executive Officer.” It’s kind of complicated.
.....I was glad to hear that “the matter” is now “under review.” But that’s pretty vague. So I wrote Sutter back immediately:
Would it be possible to shed any light on the "review" to which you refer and that is currently under way? Who is performing the review? To whom will that person report? When will the review by done?Soon, I heard back. Sutter wrote:
I am not directly involved in the matter, so I do not have any additional information at this time.Well, that won’t do. I pressed for more information.
Stay tuned.
At 6:55 this morning (May 6), Mr. Sutter wrote to say
After my e-mail to you yesterday, I learned the matter has been referred to theRead about the IAD here.
Internal Audit Department. That is all of the information I have at this time.
Listed on the site is a fraud hot line: “Report to us [IAD] about questionable behavior, waste, and abuse involving county vendors, employees, and processes.”
There is an Audit Oversight Committee (AOC). According to the website, "The AOC members are as follows:
• Chair, Board of Supervisors
• Vice-Chair, Board of Supervisors
• Auditor-Controller
• County Executive Officer
• Public Member
• Treasurer Tax-Collector, Ex-Officio Member (Non Voting)"