On campus today, some of us were standing around, talking about the whole CEC fiasco. I heard someone ask, "So, is anybody ever gonna take responsibility for this massive f*ck up?"
Somebody uttered an emphatic "No." We all grunted. We stared silently at the scuffed-up linoleum floor in the A200 "faculty lounge"--a room that sports not one stick of furniture.

I checked out some of the new temporaries, and they look pretty sharp inside. They look fine on the outside too.
The landscaping needs some work, though. The bare dirt was bad enough, but I noticed that the CEC's now have their own little muddy pond. (See photo.) By Monday, it'll be fetid. I'm gonna stick a sign in it that says "Lake Chunk" and see if Glenn tries to fire me over it.
Late yesterday, Rebel Girl had some trouble with a belligerent student, and she had to call Security. It took Security about 15 minutes to arrive. How come it took so long?
Today, I checked out the location of the new Security office. It is located quite literally as far from the action on campus as it could possibly be--way past the tennis courts (I bet you didn't even know we had tennis courts!), well beyond the Red Light District (OK, I just made that up), and up against the south/east apartment

What kind of knucklehead would hide and/or exile the Security office?