Nothing of great importance occurred at tonight's meeting of the SOCCCD board of trustees. The faculty contract was formally approved—as expected—but not without a bit of the ol'
ultra-conservatism from trustee
Tom Fuentes, who divided the question so that he could vote down the faculty raise. But the contract—and the raise—passed anyway.

The President of IVC,
Glenn Roquemore, has pursued adding another administrator—much needed, it turns out. The matter came up for approval tonight, and Glenn advocated strongly and clearly for the position. He even got the support of the Chancellor. Imagine that!
But some trustees were wary of this move. —It's this economy,
doncha know? So, despite powerful arguments from anybody who knows anything and the support even of Mr Goo, the best these clowns could do was to table the matter. (Milchicker and Wagner voted against that, hoping to pass the recommendation.) The item will come up again next month.

Board Prez
Don Wagner got all peevish and unpleasant when Karla W, inveterate foe of trustee prayers, sought to read comments from two people who could not attend.
Plus Don won an "ugly face" contest. See pic.

Student Trustee Hannah Lee said her goodbyes. The board gave her a plaque or something.
I'll really miss her routine references to the board as "you guys." I really will.
I'll have lots more tomorrow, I guess.