WELL, this'll have to be quick, cuz I've got stuff to do.
It was an oddly unpleasant night at the old SOCCCD board room. Weirdness and tension filled the air.
THE OPEN SESSION started over two hours late! That means that the trustees were in the back room, fighting over something.
Judging by Mathur's pallor—it was dreadful!—I'd say that, if there was a fight, he lost it. Bigtime.
Trustee Fuentes announced three closed session actions, including approval of Dr. Craig Justice of Chaffey College as the new Irvine Valley College Vice President of Instruction. Every indication is that Justice is a good hire. (See Craig Justice.)
The only public comment came from Cal Nelson, who is stepping down after 8 months on the job as temp IVC VPI. As usual, he was gracious, warm. Everybody loves Cal.
I bet Raghu hates 'im.

Before he took on the job at IVC, Cal was told that things were pretty bad at the college, but that's not what he found, he said. Nope, people were pretty terrific, working hard, cooperating. Cal went out of his way to praise IVC's Academic Senate President, Wendy Gabriella, for her work and for her assistance to him.
Trustee Fuentes and Chancellor Mathur seemed to snicker at that. Well, Mathur didn't so much snicker as make that rat-faced scrunch of his. You know the one. It's spasmodic and ghastly, a rat's tic.
Trustee Wagner gave the invocation, and he laid it on pretty thick this time.
"Wisdom begins with fear of the Lord," he said.
After the consent calendar, item 5.12—Academic Personnel Actions—was moved to the front, in "deference" to Bill Jay, evidently. Judging by the tension in the air, this item was the likely cause of trouble during the earlier closed session.
Three elements were "separated" from 5.12 for seperate discussion and approval. The central element, it seems, was h1, which, judging by factoids gleanable from trustee remarks, concerned the "transfer" of a "chemistry instructor" (an IVC chem instructor was on the closed session agenda). Based on an exchange involving Rich McCullough, the transfer was at or to his college (Saddleback).
In the end, trustees Jay, Padberg, Milchiker, and Wagner prevailed: the "reassignment indicated in h1" was not approved.
One wonders what that's all about.
Gary Poertner and the Bean Counters, a local rock band, gave a presentation about the tentative budget. Andreea Serban of Transylvania gave a presentation about "Grant opportunities and strategies for grant development."
"Good evenink," she said.
She's been very successful in getting super-duper grants for the district.
Both presentations were well-received.
Well, I've gotta feed the cat. Maybe I'll have more tomorrow. Maybe not.
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