......The meeting’s “agenda outline” is available at Board Outlines.
......Monday's meeting is liable to be wild and wacky, what with ATEP development deadlines looming and the continued FUBAR concerning the Chancellor’s
re the 50% law (which requires that at least half of expenditures be on instruction). PLUS…WORLD-CLASS F*CK-UP

......As you know, it is in December that the board holds it’s annual “organizational meeting”—a meeting-within-a-meeting. The word is that Dave "the Quisling" Lang is sick and tired of presiding over Chancellor MATHUR and this dysfunctional board.
......But who’s willing to take on the board presidency?
…...Wagner? Could be.

…...That's the persistent story, anyway, and nobody who knows Raghu Mathur would doubt it.
…...Among “consent calendar” items is Saddleback College’s popular “study abroad” trip to Santander, Spain. When that one comes up, there’s always a chance that Trustee Fuentes will say something incredibly stupid. Let’s hope so, cuz these board meetings can be way snoozular.

....One “discussion item” is listed, and it’s pretty funny:
6.1 Saddleback College and Irvine Valley College: Languages in a Flat World
Luckily, on the agenda, Mathur explains item 6.1:
Information presented by Dr. Craig Justice, Vice President of Instruction, Irvine Valley College and Dr. Rajen Vurdien, Vice President for Instruction, Saddleback College, on the importance of languages in a flat world.Oh.