1. First, find a particularly lovely location on campus for the shitty construction trailers. The virgin lawn next to the Library is an excellent choice.

2. Next, back the shitty construction trailers onto the lawn, but don't be too careful about it. Aim the trailer, hit the gas, and then let 'er rip!
When the trailers come close to vulnerable objects, persons, or structures (e.g., light pole #27 below), don't slow down or anything. Commit.

3. If you find that the trailer is scraping against something--say, light pole #27--then, by all means, proceed with all deliberate speed.
Commence whistling.

4. Upon completion of the task, take a lovely photo and send it to Glenn. Don't mention the light pole. Instead, take another lovely photo and send it to Glenn.
And that's all there is to it!

Vote as if it mattered
His vision
Journalism at Irvine Valley College