AS YOU KNOW, the SOCCCD has once again spent big bucks mailing South County residents a glossy new "report to the community," featuring big smiley pictures of Raghu, et al.
The booklet opens up to a letter "from the chancellor." (See.) It's mostly the usual Mathur Blather.
But one paragraph caught my eye. It explains our "basic aid" funding:
...Because the district is located in south Orange County, the property taxes collected are beyond the state funding formula. The board has chosen not to seek additional taxes in the form of "bond" measures because residents are already paying more. ... We consider "basic aid" dollars equivalent to "bond" money. [My emphases.]
Well, yes. That's exactly right. The board doesn't pursue bonds because our citizens already pay more than they would if we were a normal district that pursued bonds, owing to our Basic Aid gravy train (high property taxes revenue).
Just sayin'. But do remember that Tom Fuentes' based his reelection campaign on the claim that he
• Led District to one of the Highest Transfer Rates of students to four year colleges
• Produced a Balanced Budget with No Debt or New Bonds
Led? Naturally, the board had no role whatsoever in achieving our high transfer rates.
Elsewhere, Fuentes even more clearly implied that our not pursuing bonds showed that he and the other trustees are the taxpayers' friend.
Well, no. Like I keep sayin': we don't need to pursue bonds cuz we are already getting and spending sh*tloads of the people's money.
Taxpayers' friend my ***.