.....It’s been difficult getting information about the colleges and the district, in part because of faculty non-participation in governance owing to the continuing “work to contract.” It would likely help if I were actually to visit the campuses, but that’s not gonna happen any time soon.
.....I am told, however, that the Accreditation focus group for Irvine Valley College is continuing with its efforts. As near as I can tell, the group is doing an excellent job and will have much to show for its work, including new definitions of roles and responsibilities that hew closely to the law and to good sense. By all accounts, the group, which includes Board President Don Wagner and has faculty and classified representation, manages “frank” and useful discussions.
.....I do hope that (IVC) personnel will keep informed about the group’s work, which is very important, as you know. You can see video of the focus group's last public presentation (on April 30) here and here.

.....Meanwhile, the search for Saddleback College’s new president goes on. Evidently, it has been decided that more candidates need to be enticed to apply. Several have already been interviewed, but they have been judged one Brady short of a Bunch.
.....I've looked into the recent fuss over Saddleback College instructor Carmen D's removal from teaching assignments in musical theater. Near as I can tell, the dean has decided to remove a music instructor (Carmen) from a central role she has occupied in the theater area. Plus the dean has "right of assignment." So, unless I'm missing something, this "issue" has no legs at all.
Vulcan cookery:
.....Since I got back from the Bay area a week ago, I’ve been busy. Saw the “Pompeii” exhibit in San Diego on Monday. Saw Prairie Home Companion—at the Greek—on Friday.
.....If you get the chance, see "A Day in Pompeii" at the San Diego Natural History Museum, which features some of those famous plaster casts of dying Romans, including a Roman dog and a Roman pig. Very moving.

Blues under the stars:
.....Pianist Rich Dworsky and blueswoman Bonnie Raitt were the musical standouts at Friday’s Prairie Home Companion show in Griffith Park. Raitt was accompanied by Keb Mo and the legendary and amazing Richard Thompson, who seemed to feel out of place—he didn’t appear for final bows—but who nonetheless played his guitar miraculously, as always.
.....Trivia: Bonnie is way short. And small. Half of her is hair.

Lurkin' or gherkin:
.....I’ve been doing lots of driving in my fabulous Chrysler 300, getting over 27 mph on the open road and endlessly encountering one of the stupidest public safety slogans of all time—namely, “Click it or ticket.” I mean, “click it” is an imperative. And “ticket” is a noun. So “Click it or ticket” is rather like, “Fuck it or bucket.” See what I mean?