.....I happened upon some old documents today, and they provoked special memories.
.....Remember when then-IVC President Mathur joined his Board Majority patrons in deploring the practice of reassigned time? (For those not in the know, reassigned time is an instructor's taking on non-teaching duties—e.g., chairing a department or penning an accreditation self-study—in place of part of his/her normal teaching "time.") That was back in the late 90s. Ten years later, Raghu is still pretty down on reassigned time, as you know.
.....And do you recall the enthusiasm with which Chancellor Mathur helped his trustee patrons determine how many fiendish faculty were members of the "one hundred thousand dollar club"? Gosh, I do. That wasn't so very long ago.

.....For 96-97, Raghu was again the third highest paid instructor in the district, this time making a cool $123,305. —That's right. Mr. Goo was in the friggin' hundred twenty thousand dollar club! And that was more than a decade ago!
.....Did Raghu have any reassigned time? Well, I can't say. On the other hand, everybody knows that he held on to that "School Chair" job like a dog with a bone. And some chairs of little schools who saw themselves as especially hard-working received 80% reassigned time, know what I mean?
.....Golly! I do believe he suffered a slight cut in pay when he became IVC President!
.....But don't worry about our Goo. He now makes about $300,000.