Above is the OC Register’s brief video coverage of yesterday's protest, at Cypress College, over display of a photograph. The photo shows a young woman wearing a shirt that is similar to the flag of Vietnam while standing near a bust of Communist revolutionary leader
Ho Chi Minh.
Protests were threatened a year ago at Irvine Valley College over the display of the Vietnamese flag among a discreet presentation of "flags of the world" along the "atrium" of the Student Services Building. IVC administration chose to take down all of the flags. Some on campus objected to the de facto knuckling under to what they felt were offensive demands and threats.

Cypress College has consistently refused to remove the offending photograph. As you can see, thus far, the promised protests haven't amounted to much.
As some of our readers have noted, more than a few members of Orange County's Vietnamese community have joined in the defense of free speech and have denounced the censoring spirit of some of these protests.