Orange County’s new “landmark” is up and floatin’. You can climb aboard starting on Bastille Day.
Evidently, the balloon has seats in the shape of pumpkin seeds.
The craft is pretty untested, and so we’re hoping to invite Chancellor Raghu P. Mathur out to take the first ride.
HONORING THOSE WHO SERVED. Did you catch this yesterday? City to discuss memorial fund: The Saddleback College Veterans Committee is asking for a $5,000 donation:
The Laguna Hills City Council will discuss the possibility of contributing funds to construct a memorial on the Saddleback College campus at its Tuesday meeting.
The Saddleback College Veterans Committee is asking for a donation from the city in the amount of $5,000. The total estimate of the cost is $200,000.
The memorial will honor the local community and the faculty, staff and students of Saddleback College who have served in the armed forces….

…Lights flash in the blue-black night. Shadowy human figures hunch low to the ground, running wands over cold, marble gravestones.
The Orange County Ghost Hunters are at work.
…Formed two years ago, the Orange County Ghost Hunters deploy high-tech equipment and expertise to investigate suspected haunted spots around Southern California. Investigations have taken them to cemeteries, of course, … abandoned mental institutions and … the highly acclaimed Anaheim White House Restaurant.
…The Rev. Diana Akroyd … leads them. A Huntington Beach resident, she is the group's chief investigator and describes herself as a spiritualist, a medium and a demonologist ….
…Orbs are a common occurrence during paranormal investigations, … explains [one of the ghost hunters]. They show up in digital photos looking like raindrops or dust motes – but they won't show up in photos taken immediately after from the same angle.…"Major orbage!" Akroyd hollers…Her eyes are fixed on the glowing view screen of her digital camera.
"You guys are surrounded by orbs."
…This night, in the end, after canvassing the whole cemetery, the Orange County Ghost Hunters don't turn up much other than the orbs and some odd electro-magnetic readings around a stone shed.
…"We research, gather information and learn more," Akroyd says. "It's the supernatural, the paranormal. You can't prove anything….”….
The Orange County Ghost Hunters tread back to their cars, pile themselves and the equipment in, and head off to a ritual after late-night expeditions – to a Denny's for pie.