Saturday, November 18, 2006

The cultural war, Apocalyptic dog-faced felines, and the LOVE CHILD mystery!

[Praying] gives us pause to reflect on what is really important in life and society. It motivates us to defend causes that are so critical in the cultural war that today engulfs our nation and its society.”
—Thomas Fuentes
Jeez, they want to take away our right to pray. And now they're banning our beloved Pledge.

The enemy must be destroyed.
—Joe Redstate

As you know, some of our trustees view themselves as soldiers in a “cultural war” between the Pious & Traditional and the Godless & Homosexual, more or less. Trustee Don Wagner has been pretty explicit about this role (see Protecting your right to “pack a gun”!), and so has Trustee Tom Fuentes (see Tom’s farewell speech).

In the minds of those who speak of a culture war (I'm thinking: "anger management counseling"), college faculty are definitely on the Godless side. We’re the enemy, the people to be attacked and weakened. Consider how Mr. Fuentes portrayed faculty during his infamous Leisure World TV interview. We're lazy, over-paid, and suspiciously lispy! We're like a disease!

SO: Tom is a steward of college education like James Watt was a steward of the environment. Watt sought to chop down trees. Tom seeks to chop down college professors.

As board president, Wagner was canny enough not to go about that job purely in terms of this supposed cultural war. But one suspects that Mr. Fuentes is quite prepared to use whatever power he has to weaken the supposed Godless and Gay forces who control education and indoctrinate America's innocent children in the ways of abject jocundity and wanton voluptuary libertinism--and worse!

Recently, I raised the specter of a Board of Trustees led by Tom Fuentes. I do believe he’s the only trustee who has not served as president of the board—aside from Bill Jay, who lack’s Tom’s seniority and his impressive stinky-cheesular theatrical pomposity. Plus he’s got the votes.

The yearly “organizational” meeting will occur on Dec. 11, just a month hence. That's when board officers will be elected.

BUT HEY, sources tell me that Tom doesn’t want the job, that others who might want it don’t have the votes, and that Dave Lang, who has support among his colleagues, wants another go at it.

We’ll see.
"I am on the side that thinks ‘under God’ belongs in the pledge of allegiance and that it's all right to wish people ‘Merry Christmas,’ but that free speech does not include burning the flag or dancing in the nude."
—Don Wagner


According to the New Zealand Herald, the Chinese people are turning away from traditional medicine in droves:
In the West, demand for traditional Chinese medicine [acupuncture, etc.] just goes on growing...[Meanwhile]...the Chinese...are taking a great big acupuncture needle and trying to prick this bubble.

More and more of them are rejecting their ancient remedies in favour of Western medicine. A proposal to remove from the Chinese health care system traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) has divided public opinion and outraged the Government which backs its use.

The controversy was sparked by an online petition proposing that only Western-style healthcare be available in China's hospitals. Behind it is Professor Zhang Gongyao, who describes TCM, practised in China for 4000 years, as "untrustworthy" and "pseudo-science".
According to the National Council Against Health Fraud, none of the 46 medical journals published by the Chinese Medical Association is devoted to traditional Chinese medicine (including acupuncture).


OK, according to Reuters (Puppies born to cat), a Bazilian couple is claiming that their cat gave birth to dogs. They and their neighbors are blaming the Apocalypse on a neighborhood mut named “Dog.” A geneticist has been brought in to do the necessary tests. The results will be in on Tuesday.

Naturally, if these little guys turn out to be pups, that’ll only mean that the cat found those pups somewhere and enlisted ‘em into her feline brood. But, of course, that’s not what most people will say or think. That’s cuz they’re morons. Or just under-educated.

As you know, in the South Orange County Community College District, we’ve got our own LOVE CHILD somewhere. At least that’s the rumor, and it is, without doubt, intensely VERISIMILITUDINOUS. I mean, we NEED a love child like the Pacific Northwesterners need BIG FOOT. It's a powerful need.

Help us to identify the LOVE CHILD and its notorious districtular PARENTAL UNITS!

Why oh why couldn’t they “hold on hold on just a little bit longer”?

Was the love they were contemplatin’
Worth the pain of waitin’?
Will they only end up hatin’
The LOVE CHILD they’ve been creatin’?


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Random images, more or less

I took this one on the way home from school last night. Driving into Rancho Santa Margarita. They've got a Trader Joe's. Plus ducks.

I'm a close personal friend of the guy on IVC's Holiday Bash committee who is making posters to advertise the event. He said he wanted to go for "elegant and simple." That's Tony as "California Santa." They're trying to make people show up in big numbers. Hence the "free money."

OK, I took this picture of four high-powered IVC faculettas, and, as it turns out, my Nikon was somehow weirded out by their power. Me too.

As you know, IVC's Prez Roquemore promised to finally put some furniture in the so-called A200 "faculty lounge." That was, like, I dunno, a year ago or something? I think Wayne's in charge of securing it. So it could be another year or two before we see the furniture. And when we get it, it will be ALL WRONG, you watch.

Speaking of urinals, somebody told me that the men's bathroom over in B100 smelled like, um, urine. I went in there and found this. Evidently, Wayne had installed a "waterless urinal," but he forgot to order new cartridges for it, and so this is what we get for a while.

Coulda been worse. Wayne mighta bought a waterless toilet.

A few weeks ago, they wheeled in this spiffy new blue contraption over in A200 and they plugged it into the wall. "What the hell is that?" we said. Well, it seemed to be working for a while. I think it made change or something. Or maybe it spit out students' fortunes, or their future careers. Dunno. Then, about a week and a half ago, the thing broke. It's just been sitting there, dead, ever since. I bet it never gets fixed. Nice blue, though.

OK, I took this one out my car window yesterday on Portola. It looks spooky to me. I like spooky.

If you look closely, you can see some kind of monster face in the rear view mirror at the bottom. Could be Raghu, I guess. Or a bug.

We found this one hangin' around the A complex yesterday, and so we took turns watchin' 'im and tossin' 'im in the air. He kept making faces at me. I said, "Go away kid, you bother me."

I think Karima finally grabbed him and sent him on a snipe hunt. After a while, he came back, smilin' more than ever.

This is a highly adulterated picture--cropped to within an inch of its life, filtered up the ying-yang, and still it looks like sh*t. It shows students hangin' in the A quad at IVC. They seem to like it there. I like that they like it there. Ain't life grand?

Roy's obituary in LA Times and Register: "we were lucky to have you while we did"

  This ran in the Sunday December 24, 2023 edition of the Los Angeles Times and the Orange County Register : July 14, 1955 - November 20, 2...