....."Yeah," plus it's kind of suggestive," offered another student.
.....Neither student wished to be identified. Both attend the college (Irvine Valley, in Irvine).
....."We're taking final exams," said one.

.....I was just funnin'. Rebel Girl made me take the pics late yesterday. I never ask her why she tells me to do things. I just do 'em. It usually works out fine.
.....This morning, I figured, since it was a slow news day, well....
.....Hence the absurd post. I like absurd.
* * * * *
.....At school (IVC) today, I was told by several people that there had been an accident on campus this morning. Evidently, a maintenance worker ran into a pole with his golf cart, breaking the vehicle's axle. Paramedics were called to the scene, though I believe that the worker is OK. Not sure.
.....This afternoon, I asked around a bit. I figured the accident couldn't have involved my "absurd" barrier: I would have noticed evidence, residue. So I wandered over behind the Student Services Center, where I espied three new bright yellow posts across a concrete path. (See.) Two acquaintances who work in SSC happened to be nearby; they confirmed that I had found the scene of the accident.
.....Apparently, it had been decided by somebody to add these yellow post-barriers at certain points on campus, perhaps for reasons of "safety." My acquaintances speculated that the maintenance worker was accustomed to traveling along the path, unobstructed by safety barriers.
.....Hence, the accident.

.....I dunno about you, but if I were to paint a post, I'd paint it before I stuck it in a hole. But what do I know. I'm just a philosopher.
.....Since I had my camera, I decided to take a few pics. It's a beautiful campus, isn't it? Watch for the speeding golf carts, though. And the yellow safety posts.