Monday's meeting looks like it might be quick and uneventful. No big reports, no dog and pony shows, etc.
Curiously, Saddleback College Prez Tod Burnett's report (to the board) includes this item:
Evidently, this fine honor failed to clinch the Chancellor gig (at Riverside CCD) for the Todster. On Tuesday, RCCD announced that someone else (among three finalists) had won it.
I noticed that IVC Prez Glenn Roquemore’s report (for Monday’s meeting) includes this announcement regarding the demolition of the old A-400 building and the construction of its replacement:
Also this morning, denizens of IVC were informed that
Demolition of the A 400 building will begin this Friday, June 20, and is expected to be completed by the end of next week. The demolition process may cause sound disturbances at times. Following demolition, soil will be removed from the site in order to prepare for new construction.