I noticed a curious item under “Classified Personnel Actions” (6.6). “Exhibit A” includes “Authorization to establish and announce a classified position." One of the positions is a new “director”:
DIRECTOR OF SITE DEVELOPMENT, Specially Funded, Classified Manager... District seeks authorization to establish and announce a full-time, 40 hours per week, 12 months per year position to its staff complement, effective November 1, 2014. This position is specially funded through Capital Outlay Projects on a limited term basis, to be considered for renewal annually. Employment in this specially funded position is contingent upon these funds.Exhibit B provides a “definition” of the position:
To assist the Executive Director of Facilities Planning and Purchasing [i.e., Brandye D’Lena] by planning, developing and delivering facilities improvements district wide, including programs, supporting documentation, budgets and schedules; provide technical direction to projects including prepare and administer contracts for project consultants and contractors from programming to close out; attend/facilitate district, college, agency and project meetings, provide support to College building committees; coordinate project requirements and schedules and provide project status reports including assistance by the project architects, consultants and contractors, when appropriate, and present to college, district and Board of Trustees as assigned....Yadda, yadda, yadda.
The document goes on to say:
… The employee assigned to this classification assists the Executive Director of Facilities Planning & Purchasing [D'Lena], as assigned, by overseeing the development and construction of district and college facilities, especially at the Advanced Technical Education Park (ATEP).Today at IVC, we began hearing that, recently, at a college meeting (there are endless meetings), it was announced that John Edwards, IVC's Director of Facilities, will cease occupying that position; he would be switching to a new position.
This seems to be that position.
(If so), we wish him well.