Some of us immediately smelled a rat. Later that afternoon, we were told that the situation was the product of an innocent SNAFU. According to the story, a classified employee had simply removed the policy in order to fix some typos. But then she couldn't get the policy back onto the site. (But why remove the policy to change it? Odd.)
Later, BP4011.1 seemed to reappear on the site, but, in fact, the wrong policy was placed there (namely, the hiring policy concerning administrators and managers, not faculty).

Preface: The hiring of highly qualified full-time faculty is essential to the educational mission of the South Orange County Community College District.
But today's version begins
Preface: The Board of Trustees derives its authority from statute and from its status as the entity holding the institution in trust for the benefit of the public.
Further, last week's pdf file ends with: "Adopted: December 12, 2005." That made sense. That's about when it was adopted (after successful litigation by the Academic Senates).
Today's Word file does not include that language. That's very odd.

Check it out.
P.S.: I've had a chance to peruse the hiring policy currently posted on the district website. It is indeed the wrong policy, an iteration that does not reflect important changes that were later made at the insistence of the faculty's representatives and that were incorporated in the policy approved by the board in December of 2005. -CW