Friday, February 22, 2013

The Lariat is all over the Ali Syed story

• Ali Syed's first victim, Courtney Aoki, was allegedly pregnant at the time of death
• Ali Syed struggled with classes while at Saddleback*

*A commenter (on the Lariat website) asserts that, in this article, the Lariat violates FERPA—presumably, by reporting Syed's grades.

Lariat highlights Grimm

Amy Grimm
Susan Boettger
     Here’s a four-month-old Lariat article about one of the probies, in IVC’s School of Fine Arts, whose TRCs (tenure review committees) recommended not granting tenure. As a result, her name (and the name of the other 4th year Fine Arts probie) do not appear on the agenda item for Monday’s board meeting, recommending tenure.
     The case against these two women, I’m told, does not concern deficiencies in their teaching; rather, it concerns their alleged failure to be sufficiently collegial. Supporters, please be aware that the closed session begins at 5:00 p.m. There will be an opportunity to address the board before it retreats to that session.

IVC offers access to museums and galleries through new art program - Thursday, October 18, 2012

     IVC Art History Professor Amy Grimm is currently heading a newly developed program in Applied Museum Studies that is exclusive to Irvine Valley College.
     Grimm offers students the opportunity to go behind the scenes in Galleries and Museums by gaining valuable knowledge from experts and hands-on experience.
     “The key elements are we are not just working not just in the classroom, but we are actively in the field talking to experts who do this type of work,” Grimm said.
     According to Grimm, Orange County and neighboring cities offer great opportunities for museum visits and guest lectures.
     “Because of the area that we are in (Orange County) we have an embarrassment of riches. We have so many fantastic museums here, plus in greater San Diego, Los Angeles and Palm Spring areas. We’re kind of spoiled here, but in a good way,” she said.
     Grimm’s experience in the museum field spans over 15 years.
     She has worked in the Albany Institute of History & Art, the South Carolina State Museum, the El Paso Museum of Art and recently the Long Beach Museum of Art.
     Representatives from LACMA, The Hammer, OCMA and among many others are set to visit IVC for students to hear from those working inside museums and galleries.
     “We are working with people who are at the top of their careers. We have some great colleagues who are the best of the best to come and spend time with us and my students which is pretty fantastic,” said Grimm.
     The Museum Applied Studies program is still new to IVC, but the response has been positive according to Grimm.
     “We are getting good feedback from working professionals to help make our students more marketable," she said. "Our students are really going to have a competitive edge."
     Grimm begins teaching Collections Management (ARTH 115) this Friday, Oct .19 in IVC.

The President on vacation with another probie.
His TRC recommended tenure.

Roy's obituary in LA Times and Register: "we were lucky to have you while we did"

  This ran in the Sunday December 24, 2023 edition of the Los Angeles Times and the Orange County Register : July 14, 1955 - November 20, 2...