I HAVEN'T HAD TIME to write up my notes to Monday’s SOCCCD board meeting, but I do have time for one or two quick items.
OBJECTIONS TO RELIGIOUS INVOCATIONS. Bob Cosgrove read a “resolution to ban religious invocations at college events,” passed by the Saddleback College Academic Senate (October 11). It has received the endorsement of the Irvine Valley College Academic Senate, the Faculty Association (i.e., the faculty union), and, I believe, the Associated Students of Saddleback College.
The nub of the problem with prayer, says the resolution, is that individuals have a right “to determine whether, how, when, and whom to worship” and that that right is “violated by the inclusion of a religious invocation in college events.”

The resolution “does not oppose the inclusion of a moment of silence….”
The resolution has been forwarded to the state Academic Senate. I’ve been told that the state senate is disposed to address this matter. If it takes action (probably in the form of yet another resolution), it will likely side with the Saddleback College Academic Senate resolution, more or less.
As I explained Monday night, John Williams suggested that the “invocation” question be put to the voters. Evidently, an “advisory vote” can be placed on the ballot. Williams explained that, in all but 1 of the last 14 years, invocations have been given at the start of meetings. Williams is an ardent non sequiturian. And so, having said that, he asked, “do we reflect the voters?”
The “advisory vote” idea seemed to fall stillborn from Williams' lips.

STADIUMS FOR THE COLLEGES? For some reason, Monday night, some trustees felt it necessary to advocate building new stadiums for the two colleges. While “we have basic aid” dollars, said Bill Jay, we “should pursue this.” John Williams agreed about the stadiums. So did Nancy Padberg. But why did they bring this up last night?
As I recall, in the past, Trustees Tom Fuentes and Don Wagner have expressed skepticism about building new stadiums. Maybe it was just Tom. Could be.