Thursday, February 25, 2016

As pleased as punch: Understanding the Budget

     I don’t know how anyone could learn about the way our colleges are funded and how their budget decisions are made without thinking such words as “byzantine” and “ridiculous.” That, at any rate, is how I have long reacted to accounts of the process that I have been provided at my own college, IVC.
     Somehow, I doubt that such words were present in the minds of my polite colleagues who attended today’s chirpy presentation by the district’s Debra Fitzsimmons and various budgeteers. It was called “Understanding the Budget,” and it involved about fifty colorful slides and maybe five speakers with varying capacities to enlighten the benighted. The disquisition was all very friendly and nice. There was loads of good will in the room. Smiles all around. Hugs even.
     Me, I kept thinking about the convoluted processes and all the committees and their dubious serpentine inputery. I kept thinking about the inch-thick handouts packet I was given—with all the crazy graphics and charts.
     “WTF,” I thought.
     Who knows. Maybe others share my confusitude and dismay. Unfortunately, I couldn’t stick around for the Q & A. Dunno.
     Well, whatever. It was good to see friends and colleagues I rarely see.
     The Chancellor just emailed us to provide a link to some incarnation of the presentation. Here it is:
     If you like charts and graphs and various iterations of flow charts, you’ll climax. Good for you.
     Me, I’m thinking: surely, this is no way to run a college. And there's nothing present to prevent things from just getting worse and worse. Everyone seems just as pleased as punch about the whole thing.

Roy's obituary in LA Times and Register: "we were lucky to have you while we did"

  This ran in the Sunday December 24, 2023 edition of the Los Angeles Times and the Orange County Register : July 14, 1955 - November 20, 2...