This particular book--an "epic poem"--is called The Avenger of Blood. I thought I'd share some of these images. Here's the book's cover:

I seem to recall that a High School colleague did the artwork. Here's a typical illustration from the book:

And here's the page that explains about Howard:

That Howard is something else, isn't he? You oughta actually read the poem. It is everything you might hope it would be. More even. (More on Howard)
2. THE HEARTBREAK OF CARPET-LAYING. In the last week--the work's progressing in stages, and it's not quite done--faculty at IVC have experienced the heartbreak of carpet-laying. You know: packing your stuff into boxes and so on and then waiting anxiously while strangers take your stuff out and put your stuff back. It's traumatic, baby.

There sure is a lot of carping about this project, but it seems that, once the job gets done, instructors are generally pretty happy with the results.
I'm told that Tony Sidoti, Senior Groundskeeper, has been especially helpful. Thanks Tony!!
See? We say positive things here at Dissent the Blog!
Here are some pics.

This instructor was concerned that her "butt crack" would show in the picture. Nope.

Those zany Bio people were leavin' all sorts of corpses and bones and stuff in the hallway. It was pretty festive. Dave showed me a human spine and "dedicated" it to me.
Never say we don't have fun at Irvine Valley College. Every day is a veritable party! A celebration! Breath deep the gathering mold!

Glenn said he'd buy pizza, but I think he welched on the deal.

Nancy asked for a staff report on such expenses, and, at the February board meeting, trustees received it. It's called "travel by board of trustees and executive administrators." Here are some highlights:
During 2005, Williams spent over $10,000 on trips, including two in Orlando, FL (likely at the Peabody Orlando--very pricey). Most trustees spent 2k or less, which seems reasonable.
I do believe the fellow's already been to Orlando again this year! Nancy has explained that there are similar conventions held in California, but will Johnny go to those? He will not. Somehow, for "Brownie," the really worthwhile conferences keep happening in Orlando.

Here's how much the other trustees (and senior administrators) spent. With the exception of Raghu, generally, these people spend far less than Williams.
Marcia M: $2,600
Nancy P: $1,900
Dave L spent about $740
Evidently, Tom F & Don W spent zip. Good for them.
Raghu spent $7,594
Gary P spent about $2,000
Allan M spent about $5,000
Rich M spent less than $600
Glenn R spent $1,362
and Dennis W and Gwen V each spent less than $2,400

During the last board meeting, Nancy P requested another report: travel expenditures over the last 5 years. But John, Tom, Don, and Dave shot that down.
Wonder why?