No doubt this is a terrible time for his family and friends.
The rest of us: surely we can see that his death deserves little attention. It isn’t particularly meaningful or important, now is it?
Snap out of it!
We cannot say that we are being fooled. It is not entirely inaccurate to say that we are being "informed." … The efficient mass production of pseudo-events—in all kinds of packages, in black-and-white, in technicolor, in words, and in a thousand other forms—is the work of the whole machinery of our society. It is the daily product of men of good will. … The people must be informed!
—Daniel Boorstin, 1961
Around the World, Shock and Grief Over Jackson (New York Times)
Fans lighted candles at an spontaneous gathering in Hong Kong, while in the Philippines, a dance tribute was planned for a prison in Cebu, where Byron Garcia, a security consultant, had 1,500 inmates join in a synchronized dance to the “Thriller” video.
“My heart is heavy because my idol died,” he said.