.....WELL, it’s (semi)official. Today, just a few days after Vice Chancellor (of Human Resources) Bob King announced his impending departure (aka return to full-time shystery), we learned that Vice Chancellor Andreea Serban has accepted the position of Superintendent/President at Santa Barbara City College. (Some bigwig confirmed this for me.)
.....A few weeks ago, we learned that "Park Ranger" Bob Kopecky, long-time Provost of ATEP, resigned (well, officially I guess, he's on leave, but c'mon).

.....King is a chief negotiator for the district in the talks re the faculty contract. We hear (from union leadership) that, recently, negotiations have reached a critical stage. So why is King leaving now? (I’ve learned that at least two recent negotiation sessions have been cancelled. What’s that about?)

.....Meanwhile, both colleges of the district have been sent final fix-it tickets from the Accreds (the ACCJC), and if we don’t fix things this time, they’re gonna pull our licenses. They mean business.
.....But wasn’t “administrative instability” among the problems cited by the Accreditors (see the letter to Saddleback College (pdf))? You bet! And, in any case, doncha wanna keep your administrative team together when the sh*t hits the fan from several directions at once, threatening hideous and mortal fecal splattage?
.....Of course!
Throwing gasoline on the Accred fires

.....Now, at long last, and all of a sudden, we’ve gotta overcome the plague. They demand a miracle!
.....So tell me this. Why, at this moment, would Chancellor Mathur choose to send a hostile and fear-inducing memo to administrators, as he did last week? That is, why would he spread the plague exactly when, more than ever, we're desperate to eradicate plaguery?
.....Does Bubonic Boy secretly want our colleges to be unaccredited? Is that it?
.....What the hell kind of Chancellor is he anyway? Tell me that!