• BUSHED. From this morning’s Inside Higher Ed:
An informal poll of 109 historians by the History News Network has found that 61 percent consider President Bush to be the worst president in American history. In addition, 98 percent of those surveyed rank the Bush presidency as a failure.

Community colleges reported an 18 percent increase in distance education enrollments in a 2007 survey released this weekend at the annual meeting of the American Association of Community Colleges, in Philadelphia…. …This year’s survey suggests that distance education has probably not peaked at community colleges. First there is evidence that the colleges aren’t just offering a few courses online, but entire programs. Sixty-four percent of institutions reported offering at least one online degree — defined as one where at least 70 percent of the courses may be completed online. Second, colleges reported that they aren’t yet meeting demand. Seventy percent indicated that student demand exceeds their online offerings….
Is Andreea Serban really leaving us for Santa Barbara?
(I mean, I would leave if I couldn, especially if it meant Santa Barbara - but is she?)
Yes, Distance Ed is the BORG.
Raghu Mathur is the borg. He's relentless.
And Don Wagner is always there to make sure that his job is safe.
We're screwed.
Yes, it's official. Andreea is headed to Santa Barbara.
Can I go with her?
It's another feather in our cap, as Raghu used to say whenever someone fled (and/or was pushed out the door.)
Who says she's gone?
An informal poll of 109 historians by the History News Network has found that 61 percent consider President Bush to be the worst president in American history. In addition, 98 percent of those surveyed rank the Bush presidency as a failure.
How very scientific. Amazing how easy it is to quote a source that agrees with one's bankrupt idiology. If you had the courage you would ask those in our society who have sacrificed the most in the GWOT as to what they think of Dubya. History will prove Dubya's critics wrong and the left leaning Democrats will once again be discredited like they were during the 60s when they embraced the peace symbol, the footprint of the American chicken.
Interesting how this pie chart can see the future. Where can I get one? I need to ask it what the most unpopular stocks will be. And what the most unpopular ponies will be! What a pants load C.W. A hearty SHEEESH! to 'ya!
What is with you Torabora? The pie chart was part of an article re the History News Network's "informal" poll. It represents the opinions of the assembled historians. That's all. It was in Inside Higher Ed, and it was interesting, fun, and so I put it here.
Re seeing into the future: I occasionally have very bright students, but, as we all know, it is impossible to know what will become of them, despite their manifest potential.
On the other hand, I get some very bad students too, students whose "accomplishments" are such that one doesn't have to be a rocket science (a philosophy instructor will do) to know that they shall end their days with a distinctly miserable academic record.
I will spare you the litany of Mr. Bush's "accomplishments," which, as anyone with a half a brain knows, are numerous and impressive.
You can't put paid to the history of this administration until there has been some time since the END of it.
It hasn't ended yet.
I know...I know it's pure daily torture for you but it hasn't ended yet.
That's why I want a magic pie chart that can predict the unpopular future. I could get rich and powerful with such an instrument! I could RULE THE WORLD with that pie chart.
Alas tis not to be I guess.
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