"It's just like the Depression or something!"
(OC Reg’s “College Life” blog)
Wow, at this rate, we oughta just keep an open link to “College Life.” Science Dude Garry Robbins has posted yet another scintillating educational story there today, explaining that “Orange County’s nine community colleges could collectively be forced to reduce full and part-time enrollment by 31,500 as most of the schools would have to cut almost $30 million to help balance the state budget….”
Robbins notes that, of the four OC community college districts, SOCCCD is the exception:
Robbins includes “a preliminary analysis from the state”:

(I don't really understand that last point. Why would SOCCCD lose any students at all? As a "basic aid" district, the SOCCCD stands to lose when local property is devalued [as is gradually occurring] and thus less property tax money is collected. But the devaluation won't hit right away, and, besides, SOCCCD has quite a bit squirreled away for a rainy day.)
Wow, at this rate, we oughta just keep an open link to “College Life.” Science Dude Garry Robbins has posted yet another scintillating educational story there today, explaining that “Orange County’s nine community colleges could collectively be forced to reduce full and part-time enrollment by 31,500 as most of the schools would have to cut almost $30 million to help balance the state budget….”
Robbins notes that, of the four OC community college districts, SOCCCD is the exception:
South Orange is a “basic aid” district, which the state says means that “high property tax value covers the cost of supporting all of the students.” That means that the district doesn’t get lots of money from the general fund. But the other three districts do.
Robbins includes “a preliminary analysis from the state”:
• The Rancho Santiago district must cut its budget by $8.8 million and reduce enrollment by about 10,749.
• The North Orange County district must cut about $10.1 million and reduce enrollment by 8,493.
• And the Coast district must cut $10.9 million and trim enrollment by 7,062.
• Although the South Orange district isn’t project to lose lots of state money, [spokeswoman Paige Marlatt] Door said the system could lose 5,247 students.

You realize these pics are bullshit, right?
Actually, this is a pic of the recent Saddleback/IVC softball game.
I dunno about the May meeting, but at the April meeting of the SOCCCD board, much discussion concerned how to deal with the increased demand for classes caused by the economic downturn (and, I suppose, the turning away of students at the three other districts). Unlike the other three OC districts, the SOCCCD is in a position to accommodate growth, but at a cost: money would be diverted from improvement of facilities.
What do you suppose our trustees will do? Is there a high road here? If there were one, would they take it? I think they'd better consult the Lord, cuz this ain't easy.
OK, this is how I get when nobody writes comments.
What do you suppose our trustees will do? Is there a high road here? If there were one, would they take it? I think they'd better consult the Lord, cuz this ain't easy.
OK, this is how I get when nobody writes comments.