Friday, September 19, 2008

Holga "Hell" at IVC, by Jason

Our pal Jason, with his odd Chinese Holga camera, took some pics this week of that weird "Hell" guy discussed in a post earlier today (Lana Lang's Repent or Hell):

Does anybody know what this gal was doing?

A couple of details:

REPENT OR HELL—reported by intrepid Girl Reporter Lana Lang

[—No, not Rebel Girl. Lana Lang!] The IVC campus quite recently became the lucky recipient of a chance visit by a wandering theological scholar, who held an impromptu guest lecture in the large quad. Eschewing the trendy but overused power point presentation, the visiting professor wrote his notes on a board, spoke in stentorian tones, and finally managed to en”rapture” a somewhat sizeable audience (see plate I and II), albeit consisting of only one individual (who was observed to take no notes.)

The topic of the thesis? Satan’s Children—who they are, and what to do about ‘em. In case you don’t have your reading glasses, here’s the list of those in desperate need of salvation. (Ahem!): “Hypocrite Christians, Lost Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus, Mormons, Jehovah’s Witnesses, and all other false religions.”

But wait, there’s more: “Sodomites, Pornographers, Pedophiles, Fornicators, Cross-dressers, Lesbians, Adulterers, Transvestites [author’s note: see “Cross-dressers, above] and all other weirdo Sex Perverts.”


Well, sure, that’s obvious. I mean—who can argue? Likewise Hellbound: “Scoffers, The Prideful, Atheists, Agnostics, Idolators, and all other Clueless Fools.”

Hmmm . . . is there such a thing as a clued-in fool?

And—lest we forget—the term “Satan’s Children” also encompasses: “Murderers/Babykillers, Liars, Thieves, Corrupt Politicians, and Covetous Moneygrubbers; Boozers, Dopers, Revelers, Mouthy Women, Girlie-men, and all Sin-loving Heathen.”

—In short: 99.99% of the population. The only people escaping God’s imminent though long-delayed wrath, apparently, would be: Jews who are not lost; Murderers and Babykillers who are clearly only one or the other; plus all non-weirdo sex perverts. Other recipients of the get-out-of jail-free card, judging by their absence on the picket sign: war mongers, racists, homophobes, misogynists, genocidists, morons and the embarrassingly smug and self-righteous. 

Well, Dick Cheney can relax now—except that he undoubtedly hits on at least one of the enumerated categories.

As for intrepid girl-reporter Lois Lane – she finds herself specifically called-out three or four times on God’s Official Enemies List. Alas.

The solution? Simple. REPENT OR HELL

“You know,” the lone member of the (snicker, snicker) “massive” viewing public was overheard to say, “You tell people these things . . . and they get offended!”


Photos submitted by IVC student Mehran Khamnehipour

IN OTHER NEWS – scientists have a discovered a strange ant species in the Amazon:

Friday Matinee: Anyone can be president. Anyone.

Reception for Burnett

From yesterday’s OC Register:

Saddleback College introduces new president:

President Tod Burnett received a warm welcome from the Orange County education community during a reception held in his honor at the Tijeras Creek Golf Club on Wednesday night.

Burnett, 45, was appointed president of Saddleback College by trustees of the South Orange County Community College District in August after outgoing president Rich McCullough retired last school year.

More than 100 people, including Burnett's family and friends who traveled from Sacramento, enjoyed hors d'oeuvres and heard officials in the community welcome him.

Chancellor Raghu Mathur told the crowd he knew Burnett was a leader right after he had interviewed him for the position. "He brings a breath of fresh air as he examines assumptions in the district," said Mathur.

Burnett was greeted with a standing ovation. He recognized his mother, Dottie Burnett, who was sitting with other family members.

Dottie approached the front of the room, gave Burnett a hug, and took the microphone from his hand. "And you thought he was the boss," she told the crowd. "I'm so proud of my son. Who would've thought he would be standing up here."

Burnett started to tear up and smiled….

Roy's obituary in LA Times and Register: "we were lucky to have you while we did"

  This ran in the Sunday December 24, 2023 edition of the Los Angeles Times and the Orange County Register : July 14, 1955 - November 20, 2...