Went to the post-election Faculty Association shindig tonight. Got there late, just as trustee
John Williams explained that he had turned in his resignation as trustee this afternoon—and that Monday's meeting will be his last.
He said that it was time. Don't know more than that, really.
We previously reported that Williams would be resigning soon, though we had guessed that that would occur in January.

In attendance: Chancellor Gary Poertner, IVC's Glenn Roquemore and Craig Justice, Saddleback's Tod Burnett (I think), trustee Marcia Milchiker (and husband), trustee Nancy Padberg (and husband), trustee John Williams, trustee T.J. Prendergast, the usual suspects among unionists, et al.
There were others, I think, but I arrived too late to hear the introductions, so dunno.
Monday's board meeting should be interesting.