Friday, August 22, 2014

A-100 - besieged by golf carts

Partial view of the scene at 4:20 or so on Thursday.
It was late in the day when Rebel Girl made her way across campus and counted one, two, three, f—  er, somewhere near 12 golf carts (Is that our entire fleet?) surrounding A-100, parking in all manner of places: sidewalks, grassy knoll, embankment. It was a spectacle that managed to even get the attention of students.
The quick photo above taken by Rebel Girl's Android cell phone camera does not do the scene justice.  It looked like a convention or an insurrection or a blockade.  Something big was happening.

One participant who had slipped out to buy coffee at the Ye Olde Coffee Cart alluded to an impromptu impassioned meeting between the college president and those workers with complaints about the recent dramatic change in work hours. The encounter seemed sustained, lasting at least an hour or more.

As she was busy, busy, busy - she can't report on any upshot from the meeting but perhaps our loyal readers can.

See also
An odious schedule change in the offing for (IVC) F&M classified?
The inevitable Constance Carroll,
formerly Pres of Saddleback College
California Legislature Approves Bachelor's Degrees at Community Colleges
(Inside Higher Ed)

     California's Legislature on Thursday approved legislation that would allow 15 of the state's community college districts to issue four-year degrees. Governor Jerry Brown now will consider the bill, which would make California one of more than 20 states that have enacted similar legislation. It would allow the group of two-year colleges to begin offering bachelor's degrees next year in a limited number of programs that have a high demand in the workforce, including dental hygiene, radiologic technology, health information science and automotive technology.
     The chancellor of the state's community college system, Brice Harris, last year convened a group to consider the move. Constance M. Carroll, chancellor of the San Diego Community College District, served on the committee and supported the legislation.
     "In cases where businesses, health care organizations and other industries now require a bachelor's degree at their entry level, it is imperative that community colleges step forward to ensure the competitiveness of our students," Carroll said in a written statement. "That is a win-win proposition for our students, for employers, and for the economy.”

Three arrested in alleged Irvine, L.A. brothels (OC Reg)
Irvine to Pursue Court Action Against Former Consultant (Voice of OC)

Roy's obituary in LA Times and Register: "we were lucky to have you while we did"

  This ran in the Sunday December 24, 2023 edition of the Los Angeles Times and the Orange County Register : July 14, 1955 - November 20, 2...