DISSENT the BLOG has once again attracted the attention of Matt Coker of the OC WEEKLY. Check out his Nov. 18-24 posting at:
(Or click on the link to "Clockwork Orange" at the right.)
Coker presents Trustee Fuentes' curious remarks about luring part-timer "stars" from UCI. (See Nov. 14 post on Dissent the Blog.) Then he writes:
Dissent the Blog's Rebel Girl (think Commie Girl, only not Commie Girl) just reported over the weeknd on all the reasons UCI's star faculty would not want to come to the South County campuses, including bad pay, part-timers must pay to park, crappy part-time faculty offices, crappy classrooms and various molds, spores and other nasty junk that wafts from the campus ventilation systems.
But other than that, they'll love it! Which is why Clockwork enthusiastically forwards this list of UCI faculty members we're just sure Fuentes & Co. would welcome with open armaments:
Urban theorist/SoCal doomsayer Mike Davis

Sixties historian/Nation contributor Jon Wiener
Middle East historian/Bush war critic Mark LeVine
Chicano historian/OC's preeminent labor historian Gilbert Gonzalez
The entire Cross-Cultural Center
French deconstructionist/UCI part-time faculty member Jacques Derrida (Mitigating factor: they'd have to dig him up!)
Investigative journalism lecturers/commie pinko fags Will Swaim and Gustavo Arellano
Is that enough star power for ya?
--Chunk here. Incidentally, Petracca is an old fan of Dissent (he used to ask me to send him the latest editions) and Wiener once shared the stage with IVC Philosophy instructor Roy Bauer when each received an award from IVC's Student Liberties Club circa 1998.
Plus Jacques Derrida once borrowed Rebel Girl's snorkel equipment. Or was it a kayak?
He returned it, sans deconstruction. --CW