Recently, we noticed that workers had ripped the old wood away and had removed the leaves. (See.)
Well, that's a good start. We appreciate the effort. We hope to see further progress soon! I mean, you're not gonna leave it like that, are you?

Well, again, we've noticed a change. A week or so ago, Rebel Girl informed me that a set of white towels, each with a delightful blue stripe, suddenly appeared in her classroom and in another classroom of a colleague.
"Didn't they put some of those blue-stripe towels in your classroom?" she asked.
"No," I said. I was peeved.
But today I noticed that, sure enough, A405 sports exactly one towel of the blue-stripe variety.
I guess that's an improvement. Could I have another one?

The kid looks at it. Then he looks up at Dad. He asks: "Can I have two of 'em?"
Dad smacks him upside the head.
Just for laughs, I present a picture of an actual whiteboard eraser. (See.) I do appreciate the effort represented by the new blue-stripe towels. Still, why not purchase some ACTUAL ERASERS?

3. Air testage. Somebody told me that, two days ago, some guy was in A200 with fancy equipment to test the air. Somebody asked him, "What are you doing?" He said: "I'm testing the air." The guy did not elaborate.
In the meantime, long-suffering Mr. S continues to stew in heavy juices of rank peeviosity in his unfortunate, spore-bedevilled office. He's particularly peeved about his rank and heavily spore-ified carpet.
One day, he told me that he was personally gonna rip the carpet out of his office and throw it out the door.
I urged him to hold off on that.
See? Chunk's no trouble-maker! He's a trouble-stopper!