Prop. 8 opponents take lead in money race
A tsunami of new money has poured into the campaign to defeat Proposition 8, as Hollywood celebrities, deep-pocketed donors and thousands of people from across the country wrote checks to block the proposed ban on same-sex marriage in California….

Proposition 8 proponents and foes raise $60 million—Contributors on both sides are motivated by personal beliefs
Sara Havranek quit working five years ago after the birth of her first child. Since then, she said, she and her husband have had to be frugal. "Every cent we spend is carefully considered." ¶ But the Aliso Viejo couple consider Proposition 8 so important that they have donated $1,100 to support the initiative to ban same-sex marriage. ¶ "Our faith is completely centered around the family. We believe the family is a divine institution," Havranek said to explain the contribution. ¶ Larry Maiman feels just as strongly that Proposition 8 is wrong for California. ¶ "I'm a gay man who has been in a relationship for 19 years who got married [six] weeks ago," he said, "and we'd like to stay married."….

Mormon church pulls plug on pro-Prop. 8 calls from Utah:
The Mormon church, whose members have emerged as the leading backers of a ballot measure to end same-sex marriage in California, is scaling back its Utah campaign operation but will continue to support the initiative. ¶ Church members will no longer be making phone calls from Utah to California voters, Kim Farah, a spokeswoman for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, said in a prepared statement Friday. ¶ At the request of the Yes on Proposition 8 campaign, church members in Utah had been enlisted to make calls on behalf of the measure. ¶ "However, the church has since determined that such phone calls are best handled by those who are registered California voters," Farah said. … ¶ The Courage Campaign, a liberal advocacy group, plans to deliver a petition to a Mormon church in Los Angeles next week demanding the church stop funding the Yes on 8 campaign….
Churches take sides over gay-marriage ban:

TIGER ANN says, "Vote YES on Proposition 2!"