Friday, January 27, 2006

The wisdom of Raghu (Hallmark sagacity)

ll this talk about stolen art has reminded us here at Dissent of the importance of art at a college. Paintings, sculptures, and whatnot inspire students--and faculty--to seize the day, and the weekend too. Like in that stupid Robin Williams movie.

We've also been reminded of the time, back in 1999, when Raghu, then President of IVC, spent $1,200 on a set of nicely framed inspirational posters. They're really quite something.

Today, I walked over to the small conference room in A100 and photographed the posters. It was lovely seeing them again. I so love the sentiments they express.

This one's called "ATTITUDE":

According to the poster, "The currents that determine our dreams and shape our lives, flow from the attitudes we nurture every day."

OK, so the water is like the current (that determines our dreams), and the rocks are like the--um, they're like our attitudes. But the currents (the water) flow from our attitudes. So our attitudes are not just the rocks, but they're somewhere out of the picture where all this water is comin' from, right? See, when things are profound, you can't make sense of 'em nohow.

The next one is called "EXCELLENCE":

Underneath the bird, it says: "Excellence is the result of caring more than others think is wise; risking more than others think is safe; dreaming more than others think is practical and expecting more than others think is possible."

My sister does all this stuff, which is why she's always broke and she's always gotta borrow money from me. So, now that I think of it, that is kinda excellent in a way. Sure, I get it.

The next one concerns the "ESSENCE OF LEADERSHIP." We see that same bird again:

Says the poster, "A true leader has the confidence to stand alone, the courage to make tough decisions, and the compassion to listen to the needs of others. He does not set out to be a leader, but becomes one by the quality of his actions and the integrity of his intent. In the end, leaders are much like eagles...They don't flock, you find them one at a time."

Yeah, Raghu is kind of like an eagle I guess. There's only one of him, too.

This one concerns "CHANGE." It's got no bird:

We're told that "If you're not riding the wave of change.... you'll find yourself beneath it."

In other words, go with the flow, and, that way, you can help drown the fools who insist on swimmin' against it. Gotta be tough.

I noticed some posters behind a door of the small conference room. Inexplicably, someone chose not to display them.

This one concerns "RATTITUDE":

This next one is kinda odd, I guess:

But for the life of me I can't understand why they haven't displayed this one:

Some of these posters--the ones they display, anyway--remind me of Tony Orlando's unforgettable remark on the occasion of Bob Hope's seventy-fifth birthday. Said Tony,

"If you could put all the laughs that Bob Hope has gotten, one after another, they would stretch all the way to the universe and fill up the black hole in space."

I'm sorry, but that line always brings tears to my eyes. --CW

P.S.: Don't forget about Feb. 13!!!

Roy's obituary in LA Times and Register: "we were lucky to have you while we did"

  This ran in the Sunday December 24, 2023 edition of the Los Angeles Times and the Orange County Register : July 14, 1955 - November 20, 2...