✅OC Officials Rail Against New State Metric Requiring Lower Coronavirus Rates in Poor Neighborhoods
—Voice of OC
Orange County officials are pushing back against the state’s new coronavirus business reopening metric, saying it’s too stringent and will prevent more business reopenings.
The new state metric requires counties to smooth out transmission rates in working class, minority neighborhoods before more businesses can reopen.
“This addition to the state’s tier criteria is troubling in that it places another unfair burden on counties like ours that have already been working hard on assisting communities that have been hardest hit,” Supervisor Chairwoman Michelle Steel said at a Thursday news conference.
“Sacramento’s one-size-fits-all approach to this crisis does not work for the 58 counties across this large state. Not all regions are the same,” she said.
County CEO Frank Kim joined Steel’s opposition to the new metric.
“I think what we’re asking the state for is for additional flexibility,” Kim said.
He said colleges can also lead to case bumps because people from all over are coming back to campuses.
“So each county has different capacity to manage that. To understand it. We also have different demographics. I don’t think that we should all be treated exactly the same. We should be given a certain amount of flexibility,” Kim said.
Yet the last time that Orange County officials had that kind flexibility, they backed off key virus containment efforts – such as restaurant enforcement and a mandatory mask order – that left certain communities vulnerable until statewide orders were issued.
Latinos, while making up roughly 35 percent of OC’s population, have 47 percent of the total Covid confirmed cases, according to county Health Care Agency data.
Latinos also make up nearly half – 44 percent – of Covid deaths.
Public health experts said the virus’ sharp disproportionate impact on Latinos in Orange County is due to lack of healthcare access, overcrowded housing and not having the option to work from home….
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The SOUTH ORANGE COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT — "[The] blog he developed was something that made the district better." - Tim Jemal, SOCCCD BoT President, 7/24/23
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