6:02 pm: A fireball reportedly streaked across the northwestern sky Tuesday morning and was likely visible in Orange County, San Bernardino and Riverside counties, and even as far away as Las Vegas, according to the San Bernardino County Fire Department.—My theory is that this FIREBALL is a warning shot from the Lord, and it's directed at OC Republicans. It's the only thing that makes sense.
.....About a dozen people called the department beginning at about 10:45 a.m., said dispatch supervisor Tom Barnes. Some said they thought the fireball hit the ground, but fire officials sent to investigate found nothing.
.....“They described it as appearing in the northwest portion of the sky, and heading straight down, yellowish green, and it had pieces trailing behind it,” Barnes said....
.....This just in at the OC Reg: Carona uses the n-word in secret recordings:
.....Defense attorneys for former sheriff Michael S. Carona want to keep his federal jury from hearing portions of secretly recorded conversations where Carona makes sexually and racially insensitive comments.PICTURED:
.....The tapes, between Carona and former political confidante Donald Haidl, reveal Carona casually using the n-word, dropping several f-bombs, talking about his sexual conquests and making sexual remarks about other women.
.....Carona made the statements last year during three conversations with former ally and Assistant Sheriff Donald Haidl.
.....In one excerpt, Carona contends that he does not believe he has done anything wrong, but that he enjoyed his time as sheriff.
....."You're right, I've had a life that's been absolutely blessed," he tells Haidl. "I've met millionaires, billionaires, I've traveled on personal airplanes, and I never shook anybody down for any s***, so. … Not that I haven't, you know, drank some great wine, and had great booze and ... got some, you know, phenomenal (sex) along the way…"….
• An artist's conception of, um, a freakin' fireball
• Trustee Dave "Quisling" Lang getting his photo op with Sheriff "N-bomb" Carona at the IVC 9-11 ceremony. Dave betrayed his faculty supporters for something—probably for a promise of help from his GOP pals on the board to become OC Treasurer. Dave better hope the Lord wasn't paying attention. I do hope there is a "Lord" and that he was fucking paying attention.
• Trustee Dave "Quisling" Lang, Chancellor Raghu Mathur, Trustee Don Wagner, Trustee John Williams, and Trustee Tom Fuentes—Republicans all—taking in the unmitigated piety and heroism of then-Sheriff Mike Carona at the 9-11 ceremony at IVC in 2007. In truth, it was already abundantly clear what kind of guy Carona was. But that didn't matter to this crowd, who sang his praises, as per usual. You shoulda heard Tom Fuentes talkin' up Mike that day. I kept thinking, "why don't they get a room?" Listen, if there were a Lord, and if the Fellow were just, these people woulda just burst into flames, but that didn't happen, and so there ain't. Not that I want anybody bursting into flames, but I hear the Lord tends to get Medieval. It's not what I would do. I'd just make 'em eat shit for a few years. Leave it at that. Hell, months would be fine. Goddamit I'd accept one day of shit-eating. I'm such a goddam softy, it's ridiculous.
WE’RE, LIKE, AVERAGE, HAPPINESSWISE. OK, I know this is old news, ‘cause I already saw it on 60 Minutes, but, today, Reuters offered this: Denmark world's happiest country, survey finds.
.....According to the survey, the U.S. is 16th, which is nothing to write home about if you ask me.
.....The top rated countries are
.....According to Reuters, “The survey, first done in 1981, has kept to two simple questions: [1] ‘Taking all things together, would you say you are very happy, rather happy, not very happy, not at all happy?’ And, [2] ‘All things considered, how satisfied are you with your life as a whole these days?’”1. Denmark
2. Puerto Rico
3. Colombia
4. Northern Ireland
5. Iceland
6. Switzerland
7. Ireland
8. the Netherlands
9. Canada
10. Sweden