Ground Broken for Second Saddleback College Campus, LA Times, Nov 12, 1977
Saddleback Community College District has broken ground here [Nov 1] for its second campus, due to open next fall.
- The 20-acre parcel, now an orange grove, is at Jeffrey Road and Irvine Center Drive. Campus architect William Blurock is preserving as many of the trees as possible.
Jan. 15, 1979
It will start out the size of a junior high school. And it’s a long way from getting a name of its own.
But students will begin taking classes next Monday at Orange County’s newest community college, known as the
north campus of Saddleback College.
College officials say they expect to enroll about 1,500 persons at the outset, many of them taking courses both at the new campus (carved from an orange grove at Irvine Center Drive and Jeffrey Road) and at Saddleback College (14 miles south in Mission Viejo).
. . .
During a press preview last week, the campus was still very much a construction site. The raw buildings were surrounded by mud. A workman was painting a door through which visitors entered.
Campus administrator ED HART had his full-time faculty there for introductions—all 11 of them. [
In 1981 the North Campus was elevated from satellite to full-campus status.]
Sep 18, 1981
Saddleback Community College District trustees have announced the appointment of a chancellor and two college presidents to direct the growing college district at its campuses in Mission Viejo and Irvine.
March 15, 1985
After a short search that yielded suggestions such as Gumby College and El Torito College—Home of the Nachos, the Saddleback Community College District board has voted to rename Saddleback College's north campus Irvine Valley Community College.
July 02, 1985
…"This is the only new college in the state," pronounced Bill Watts, president of the board of trustees of Saddleback Community College District. He referred to the fact that Irvine Valley College was on Monday becoming an official, independent entity--no longer just the northern extension of Saddleback College, 14 miles away in Mission Viejo.
. . .
"Today is our birthday," said ED HART, president of Irvine Valley, as the dedication ceremonies got under way.
September 16, 1986
DALE LARSON, dean of instruction at Irvine Valley College, has been named the college's acting president, succeeding Ed Hart. Hart recently announced his intention to retire, effective Nov. 1, and Larson is phasing in as acting president, said Saddleback Community College District spokeswoman Donna Hatchett. Larson, 46, has been with the college district since 1969. He became director of instructional services at Irvine Valley College in 1979, and in 1982 the title was changed to dean.
Dale Larson, 2008 |
April 15, 1987
RONALD KONG, dean of Cosumnes River College in Sacramento, is the new president of Irvine Valley College. The Saddleback Community College District, which governs Irvine Valley College, announced that Kong, 49, will assume his new post June 1. Kong succeeds Ed Hart, who retired from the presidency at Irvine Valley last November and is now president emeritus. Irvine Valley, which has 4,766 students, is one of two colleges in Saddleback Community College District.
June 7, 1989
ANNA L. MCFARLIN, vice chancellor of administrative services for Saddleback Community College District, has been named interim president of Irvine Valley College. McFarlin, who has been with the district since 1969, was recommended by Chancellor Richard Sneed and approved by the board of trustees at a meeting Monday night. She replaces Ronald A. Kong, who resigned last week to become president of Alameda College in Northern California. Kong's resignation is effective July 1. McFarlin, who was dean of students at Irvine Valley College before assuming the district vice chancellor's post in 1987, started as a counselor at Saddleback College in 1969.
Groundbreaking at Saddleback College, north campus (Nov 1, 1977) |
March 20, 1990
Memorial services will be held Wednesday for Edward A. Hart, founding president of Irvine Valley College. Hart, 61, died Sunday of cerebral lymphoma at his Dana Point home after a yearlong illness, a Saddleback Community College District spokeswoman said Monday. Hart came to the Saddleback District in 1975 from Chabot College in Hayward….
March 28, 1994
Anna L. McFarlin, who has served as president of Irvine Valley College for five years, has announced plans to retire. McFarlin's tenure as president was marked by substantial growth. Enrollment at the college doubled to 10,000 and several new buildings were constructed, including the Student Services Center, the Child Development Center and several athletic facilities.
June 24, 1994
Ron Kong, c. 1987 |
Five candidates have made the final cut for president of Irvine Valley College, officials said Thursday. They face mid-July interviews for the president's job, said Saddleback Community College District spokeswoman Diane Riopka. The person chosen will succeed Anna L. McFarlin, who has been president since 1989. McFarlin announced her retirement March 14 and will leave in August, Riopka said.
September 23, 1994
Irvine Valley College has a new president. DANIEL LARIOS, former dean of instruction at Tillamook Bay Community College in Oregon, took over the job this term. Larios, 46, a dean at Saddleback College for six years before moving to Oregon, succeeded Anna L. McFarlin, who retired after 25 years with the Saddleback Community College District and five years as Irvine Valley College president.
Feb 19, 1997
Irvine Valley College President Daniel L. Larios resigned Tuesday to accept the top post at Fresno City College.
Larios served as the college's president for more than two years,
Ann McFarlin, c. 1990 |
March 19, 1997
ROBERT A. LOMBARDI, chancellor of Saddleback Community College District, did not have to look far for somebody to serve as interim president of Irvine Valley College: He'll do the job himself.
Lombardi, who is paid $145,000 a year, will assume the additional post April 1 with the departure of Daniel Larios, who is leaving to become president of Fresno City College in his hometown
April 30, 1997
RAGHU P. MATHUR, an Irvine Valley College chemistry instructor and chairman of the school of physical sciences, has been chosen interim president of the college. ROBERT A. LOMBARDI, chancellor of the two-college Saddleback Community College District, had been filling the post since March, but the district's Board of Trustees decided he was needed in the chancellor's office full time, district spokeswoman Diane Riopka said.
Inexplicably, Roquemore's appointment appears to be permanent |
September 09, 1997
...Meeting in separate closed sessions, the board eliminated 10 department chairs at Irvine Valley College, one of two campuses the district oversees, and appointed chemistry professor Raghu P. Mathur interim president. On Monday night, the trustees voted 4 to 3 in closed session to make Mathur's appointment permanent.
Dan Larios, c. 1996 |
July 1, 2002
GLENN R. ROQUEMORE, officially becomes president of Irvine Valley College today, following his appointment last week by trustees of the South Orange County Community College District. Roquemore, who had been vice president of instruction at the college for the past two years, was chosen to head the two-year college after a nationwide search, said officials for district, which includes IVC and Saddleback colleges.
Saddleback College North opens (LA Times)