[I lost track of the date of this post. I'm only guessing that it was posted in Oct. 2008]
I attended a meeting of the South Orange County Democratic Club tonight. It was held in the El Adobe restaurant, which, as you know, was Richard Nixon's favorite "Mexican restaurant," except that it wasn't a Mexican restaurant (the Dickster got special treatment), until he offered that clueless declaration. Then it became one. Sort of. I'm surprised they haven't changed the place's name to "Dick."

South Orange County Community College District trustee candidates Carolyn Inmon (Irvine) and Bob Bliss (Lake Forest) were on hand to speak to the group about the problems in the SOCCCD. They did a great job. These Republicans (that's right) managed to win over this left-leaning crowd. They're running against incumbents Dave Lang and Tom Fuentes. Those two are creeps.
Gila Jones is the chair of the club. She's funny. Plus she must be some kind of maverick or something, 'cause there she was presenting these two Republicans, whom she clearly supported.
Bob Bliss is a charming fellow. I think he twinkled.
Carolyn Inmon can give a terrific speech, which makes sense, 'cause she's a speech instructor.
Everybody seemed to be having a great time. There was an excellent Q and A.

Lee was there, representing the SOCCCD Faculty Association, which has endorsed these candidates. (Bill Jay and John Williams, too.)
Faculty, you might consider volunteering in the coming days to walk precincts and to participate in phone banks in support of the Faculty Association's candidates. Now's the time.

Faculty, you might consider volunteering in the coming days to walk precincts and to participate in phone banks in support of the Faculty Association's candidates. Now's the time.