1. Our district’s percentage of instructional spending over a five-year period. The law requires at least 50%.
2. The district’s performance for 2006-07. (50.03%)
3. The district’s projected performance for 2007-08. (46.35%)
4. The district's performance over the last four years. (District chart.)
5. Comparison of Saddleback College, IVC, ATEP, and the entire district re % of instructional spending.
All data provided by SOCCCD. (1 & 5 by Chunk, using these data. See.)
I'VE BEEN SIFTING through the district's data concerning compliance with the 50% Law—that's the law requiring that at least 50% of district expenditures be on "instruction" (i.e., instructor salaries and benefits, essentially). (Click on the pics to enlarge them.)
The consequences of noncompliance are severe. No district can afford to screw up on the 50% Law, that's for sure.
As you know, about a month ago, Chancellor Raghu Mathur spread the word that the district dipped below the 50% mark for 2006-07. This discovery, he said in various settings, occurred "just last month!"
The news inspired all sorts of speechifying, carping, and scrambling, including a closer look at expenditures. The latter revealed that we were not out of compliance (for 06-07) after all. But we were only barely above the 50% line. (50.03)
Since we are well into 2007-08, there is a danger (no, a likelihood) that we will be out of compliance for this year. Thus, a committee was hastily assembled to examine the situation and arrive at recommendations for responding to the expected difficulty. That committee is commonly known as DRACula. (I got the data on this post at an Academic Senate meeting. Two Senate officers are members of that committee and they provided these data, which, naturally, are not confidential.)
Soon, Mathur will do what he does: (1) no matter what the facts are, he'll deny that he is to blame for the difficulty and for failing to foresee it, (2) he'll blame others, and (3) he'll use the crisis as an opportunity to undermine that which he seeks to undermine (e.g., reassigned time).
It is important, then to be armed with the data. So check 'em out.
A FACTOID: The notion that this tendency downward (to near and then below the 50% line) was "just discovered" is nonsense. Each year, district officials must sign a form that prominently displays the "50%" calculation for the district. That we've been rapidly sliding south for years must have been plain to Mathur and Co. (It is the district, and not the colleges, that is responsible for complying with this law.)
Why didn't Mathur and Co. catch this? You'd think a guy who makes $300,000 a year would be on top of stuff, right?
ANOTHER FACTOID: the district projects that SOCCCD will be at about 46% for 2007-08!
Good Lord!
YET ANOTHER: The projected expenditure at ATEP for 2007-08 is $4,707,619. (Only 5% is instructional.) Compare that figure with the amount the district must spend on instruction (beyond status quo/projection) in order to hit 50% for 07-08: $4,772,395. See graphics.
ONE MORE: How common is 46% among California community college districts? I've only got "comp" data for 2005-06 and earlier. During that year, Copper Mountain district was at the bottom with 43.46%. The next worst was COMPTON—the district that got its accreditation pulled. They were at 46.24—almost exactly our projected level for 2007-08. (The next worst were two at about 48 and a half. All other districts were at 50% or above.)
I have more data—e.g., re general costs shared by the district and the colleges/ATEP. Let me know if you want to see that as well. Further, DRACula met again today, and I hope to receive a report. So stay tuned.
For further 50% documents, click on this link